Chapter 17

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Amari's Deal

After making a deal with Amari, the killer untied her from the chair she was tied to.

"So, what's your plan to get out of here my dear sibling?" Amari asked curiously.

The killer wanted to explain the plan in detail just to build more trust with her, but it wasn't the right time to spill the beans.

"I'm sure you would like to know. Unfortunately, I can't tell you because it would ruin the escape." The killer mentioned.

Amari had no choice but to trust the killer's intentions. So, she went along with the unknown plan.

"For now, I'm going to need you to find your way back to the others. So, take this secret elevator to the floor under or above the others." The masked killer insisted.

"I get it. You don't want them to suspect me. But...I'm not killing anyone for you." Amari said with a pure heart.

The killer turned around facing her. Amari just stood there waiting for a response or reaction.

"Good! I don't want you to. I just need them to see." The killer spoke through the mask that protected his identity.

"Okay...So, what floor are they on?" Amari questioned for clarity.

The killer turned towards the wall that hid the secret elevator. Amari followed as he led her to the elevator. Then, she watched the killer pull a lever that revealed the secret elevator.

"This floor right here. Now sis, are you going above or below them? It's your choice." The killer asked as he showed her the floor number where Jabari, Lexus, and Tamara were.

He decided to leave the decision up to Amari as a sign of trust. It was the very least he could do after everything he'd done so far.

"I'll go up so it won't look as if I was following them." Amari suggested cleverly.

The masked killer nodded his head in agreeance.

"Good choice, sis! I knew you were smart. Up it is then." The killer spoke happily.

Amari smiled slightly and waited for the elevator to open after the killer pushed the button. Then, it opened and she stepped inside. Oddly enough, the elevator had black walls and a beaming red lightbulb at the top.

"Why does it feel like this elevator is taking me to Hell's front gate?" Amari asked sarcastically.

The killer pressed the button to close the doors of the elevator. As the doors were coming to a close, Amari began to feel unsure about what was about to happen next. Her eyebrows raised as she kept her eyes on the person behind the mask who claimed to be related to her.

"In case you haven't noticed sis, you're already in hell." The killer stated just before the doors were completely closed.

Amari shook her head. She had always ended up in positions that she had no intention of getting into. It was always the wrong place and the wrong time for her. Even now, Amari would constantly zone out and wonder about how her life could've turned out if she had been in the right place years ago. Her mind drifted off to her past while she was waiting for the elevator to reach the floor.


"Amari, do you need a ride?" An old friend from her ninth-grade class asked.

"Uhm, sure I guess." Amari replied as she got into the car.

Amari had a crush on her friend since middle school. She was surprised that he noticed her walking home.

"Thanks for the ride, Joe." Amari mentioned while she sat in the passenger seat of Joe's sapphire colored Mustang car.

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