Chapter 16

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Between Hot & Cold

"We're fucked now!" Jasmine uttered frighteningly.

Spencer looked back at her. He knew they didn't have much time before they would eventually die of the bitterly cold temperatures of the freezer. There were only two things he could think of to survive.

"I'm gonna try to break the door down or something." He mentioned to Jasmine.

He began kicking the door with his chubby, massive legs.

"Ughh. Ughhh!" Spencer grunted as he kept kicking the door.

"I don't think that's going to work, Spencer." Jasmine announced to him.

"It's worth a try." He said confidently.

Jasmine just watched as she started to catch chills running throughout her entire body. She sat down on the floor in crisscross position like a kid in kindergarten.

"Spencer? Spencer!" Jasmine called out to Spencer who was deeply focused on breaking the door.

"What!" He responded to her.

As Spencer turned around, he saw Jasmine covering her petite body with both of her arms.

"It's not going to break. The door is made of titanium steel. We'd be extremely lucky if it magically broke." She responded smartly.

Spencer realized that she was right. Then, he sat down beside her to comfort her body.

"We need to keep our body heats up." He cautioned to Jasmine.

She pressed her head against Spencer's shoulder.

"If I knew all this would happen today, I would've brought a hoodie." Spencer admitted honestly.

"I'm sure you would've."

"For real though."

"If you say so. There was no way we would've known this would happen though. Locked in a big ass building with no escape and a killer. Who knew we would die this way." Jasmine declared softly.

"Stop! We're not going to die. Not like this." Spencer assured her.

He didn't want Jasmine to think negatively about the situation. Last thing he needed was those thoughts racing through his mind of how much time they had before they ran out of oxygen or froze to death.

"If you say so. I don't have as much body heat as you big boy." She replied truthfully.

Spencer knew she was right yet again. All this time spent in this warehouse, he felt useless and understanding of his life. As much as he wanted to do something that would help Jasmine or even both of them survive the situation, all Spencer could do was wait patiently for a slow, painless death.


Tamara and Lexus both gasped. Just in those few minutes of hiding in the tub, Chris had been taken out by the shower of what appeared to be a green liquid that burned through his skin and his bones.

"Fucking acid! Damn, we gotta get out of here soon!" Jabari shouted angrily.

"This is your fault! You did this!" Lexus tossed her words at the shocked Tamara.

"My fault?" Tamara asked.

"Yes, you!" Lexus claimed as she pointed her finger at Tamara.

Tamara stood silently. Just as she was about to take the blame for Chris's death, she decides to defend herself against Lexus.

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