Chapter 11

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After successfully escaping the house, Lexus was running her way to find the nearest phone or police station in town. Not even worrying about the bleeding bruises on her arms and legs, Lexus pushed herself to move forward until she found refuge.

"Finally, some place safe." Lexus whispered to herself.

Up ahead, she saw a few people standing outside a gas station talking while pumping gas into their pickup truck.

"Aye! Call the police!" Lexus demanded sternly.

The strangers glanced at Lexus with pure confusion. As she got closer into the beams of the streetlights, the strangers immediately caught a glimpse of the condition Lexus was in. The strangers who turned out to be an older, Mexican couple quickly made the decision to call the police.

"Okay, we're calling them right now!" The Mexican man announced as Lexus got in reach.

Then, the woman reached in the truck of their car to pull a small medical kit out.

"We have medical supplies. What happened to you?" The Mexican woman asked anxiously.

Lexus grabbed the medical kit from the woman. The man was occupied with demanding the police to come to the scene.

"This fucking guy trapped people in a house and he's killing them. I was damn near dead until I crawled my way out." Lexus responded strongly.

The woman instantly reacted with shock. After hearing the issue Lexus had, the woman decided to walk over to her boyfriend to have a private conversation. As Lexus was tending to her wounds by the couple's pickup truck, she didn't realize what was going on nearby the couple. Coming up right behind them interrupting their last conversation, the killer came out of the darkness and stabbed the man in the base of his skull while slitting the throat of the man's girlfriend.

"Ohhh, Lexus?" The masked killer sung as he walked over the blooding bodies of the young Mexican couple.

Chills immediately ran down Lexus's spine. She was sure she wasn't followed. Without thinking, Lexus dropped the medical kit and hopped in the driver's seat of the truck.

"Fuck, please work! Please work!" She panted repeatedly.

As the masked killer was approaching vastly, Lexus turned the key that was still in the ignition allowing the engine to start.

"Oh no you don't! Get back here!" The voice of the killer ranged through the cracked window.

Lexus quickly slammed her right foot on the gas and blasted off from the station.

"Oh shit! How the hell did he find me?" She asked herself loudly.

Then, Lexus glanced at the rear-view mirror and saw the killer running back towards the gas station.

"Well, I might as well head to the police station." Lexus insisted.

At the time, Lexus knew it was the right thing to do. Get help for the others who were still trapped inside the deadly house. So, she drove either more people to give her directions or found the station. Since the only phone was last seen with the couple, Lexus's only hope was to get to another safe area.


Almost an hour later, Lexus found her way back into the town of Leary, Georgia. There she drove around looking at the street signs for information on where the station would be. Luckily, she unintentionally rode past a cop car.

"Oh snap!" Lexus reacted surprisingly.

Without hesitation, she made a U-turn and got in the lane behind the police car. For some reason, instead of blowing the horn, Lexus decided to flick the high headlights on and off to signal the cops.

"I hope this ain't illegal." Lexus spoke as the cop car turned their sirens on and came to a halt.

Afterwards, Lexus stopped the vehicle, opened the door, stepped out with her hands in the air. Suddenly, the police officers inside stepped out with their left hand on their gun holsters.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" The police officer on the passenger side asked.

"Are you turning yourself in? Are you a criminal?" The officer from the driver side questioned.

Lexus was somewhat nervous but determined at the same time. Seeing two white cops in a small, country town after escaping warehouse of a murderous killer didn't make her feel any safer. Especially, since young, black females were going missing and getting killed almost every day in America.

"We need help! You need to bring all the cops you have!" Lexus demanded cautiously.

Both of the cops glanced at each other then back at Lexus. She was still standing there nervously waiting on their reacting.

"Before we do anything, we're going to have to take you back to the station. You'll have to file a report and then we'll see what the captain wants us to do." The cop from the driver side explained.

Lexus understood that they had to follow protocol, but she didn't like the fact that it was an emergency. People's lives were at risk every moment that passed by.

"Okay, take me to the station." Lexus insisted.

Lexus lowered her hands as the cops opened the back door of the police cruiser. The officer watched carefully as she walked to get inside the car. Not once in her life did Lexus expect herself to ride in the back of the police car. Especially under these circumstances.

"We're about five minutes away from the station. Try to relax." The officer from the passenger side suggested.

"I'll try." Lexus responded softly.

After getting settled in the backseat, the officers drove Lexus to the station.


Minutes later, Lexus had reported everything to the sheriff and the police officers who brought her in.

"Okay then, we're gonna head out and take that son of a bitch down." The sheriff responded afterwards.

He stood up and put his clean, black hat.

"Alright, I'm coming too." Lexus demanded confidently.

The sheriff and the other police officers just stared in silence.

"No way! It'll be best if you stay here. You'll only get in the way. Plus, it's safer here than there right now." The sheriff responded quickly.

"Hell nawl! I know the inside of the house better than you. Like I told you before, there's traps and you won't be prepared to survive unless I'm there."

"Look, you're not co..."

"I'm coming with y'all whether you like you like it or not! Those are my friends in there! Now, let's go!" Lexus interrupted the sheriff with her demand.

Lexus stood up from her chair in front of the sheriff's desk.

"Wait, what qualifies you to tag along with us?" One of the officers asked sarcastically.

Lexus turned her attention to the officer and before she knew it, she gave the officer the business.

"Give me a gun and I'll show you how qualified I am!" Lexus snapped cleverly.

The officer's eyes shrunk in size uncontrollably.

He didn't have anything to say. As speechless as he was at the moment, all he could do was stand there with a dull-witted look on his face.

"Alrighty fellas, let's move out!" The sheriff commanded.

Every officer in the station except for four of them strapped up with their bulletproof vests and their best guns. Whether it was a twelve-gauge pump action shotgun or a compact nine-millimeter semi-auto pistol, the four cops believed they were ready for anything. Yet, Lexus knew otherwise.

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