Chapter 15

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Scouting the hallway of the third floor, Jabari, Lexus, and Chris were trolling their way upstairs to the fourth floor.

"Man, I'm tired of doing all this fucking walking." Chris uttered in agony.

The pain in his foot from the gunshot wound was still causing him to move slower than Jabari and Lexus.

"Let's take a small break." He mentioned as he stopped for a moment.

"We don't have time to stop. Every moment we waste is a moment that could make a difference in us making it out alive or taking our last breath in this place!" Jabari snapped without thinking about Chris's injury as he also stopped.

Lexus turned around and noticed that the wound was getting worse the more he walked. Not only that, Chris's dark, red blood was leaving trails of evidence behind.

"No more complaining." Jabari told Chris.

"Wait, we're going to have to carry him." Lexus replied as she put the gun in the back of her blue jeans.

"Ohhh!" Jabari gasped as he recognized the blood trail too.

He decided to help Chris walk after imaging himself in the same position.

Jabari lifted Chris up with one of his shoulders around the back of his neck. Lexus began to take the lead up the stairs to keep an eye out for anything alarming. Along with that, she was the one who had the gun and Jabari could only carry Chris since he had the strength.

"Time to move. Someone or something could be following us." Lexus said cautiously.

"Oh, my bad." Chris mentioned after seeing his blood trail.

The three of the young adults continue to move in the direction down the hallway. They planned to go as far as they can to find the others.

"It's funny how you could run when those beasts were chasing after us." Jabari claimed to Chris.

"Ha-ha, all that adrenaline had me forgetting about the pain and thinking of survival. It's gotten worse now." Chris explained.


Minutes later, the three-person crew found themselves on the fourth floor. There were at least six doors on this floor. Jabari was exhausted from carrying Chris up the stairs. Chris wasn't bleeding as much as he was from walking, but he was still a drag to the other two. Leading the guys to a safe room was a tough mission for Lexus. She had no idea where to go and she was scared to fall for another trap.

"Lexus, how'd you make it out anyway?" Chris asked curiously.

Lexus didn't want to respond. She knew if she did, the guys would most likely try to take the same route.

"I mean I've noticed that you don't have a single scratch on you." Chris continued rambling.

Jabari began to examine Lexus's appearance and he noticed that Chris was right. Lexus appeared to be as clean as an untouched drinking glass. Not a single shred of evidence.

"He's got a point." Jabari announced siding with Chris.

Lexus sighed and turned around to speak to the guys about her successful escape.

"I got out through...I escaped from climbing through the chimney!" She stated unhappily.

"Sorry, I don't believe in Mrs. Claus." Chris replied sarcastically.

Chris shrugged his shoulders after Lexus made eye contact with him. Lexus was just about to punch him, but she decided to just show the guys. She started rolling up the sleeves of the dark, ecarlate shirt she got from the police station hours before.

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