12- hogsmeade

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"Can you remember who you were, before the world told you who you should be?" 
― Charles Bukowski,


The week until Elaine's first trip to Hogsmeade passed by rather quickly.

As Friday turned into Saturday and the students of all houses let the pressure of the week fall from them, Elaine still hadn't told her best friend about her upcoming date with said brother.

Obviously, she had tried to. She wanted to tell Luana when Lily once again complained about James asking her for a date. As the redhead made the girls around her promise that they would spend the trip with her, Elaine had stayed silent.

She wanted to tell Luana as the girl teased her about meeting up with Louis in the courtyard alone, but couldn't bring herself to do it, because she didn't have time to explain when and how it happened.

Instead, she enjoyed the moments she was able to steal with the kind boy. Their meetups were just as carefree and joyous as they were a week ago, but now there was a certain glow around them as well, caused by the brief kisses and careful touches.

While Elaine was aware that there was no way she would fall in love with the Slytherin boy anytime soon, she truly relished in the feeling of care he omitted. He was the exact opposite of what other Gryffindors tried to preach her Slytherins were to be, and she admired Louis for it.

And that was how the French found herself getting dressed in some of her nicest muggle clothes to go to Hogsmeade in the morning of a bright and clear Saturday. While the week had been quite rainy and unpleasant, the sun had decided to make a lovely appearance in the morning, raising the temperatures and spirits of the students.

As Elaine stood in front of the shared mirror in her dorm, trying to bring her hair in a somewhat nice hairdo, the other girls were slowly beginning to wake up. Upon locking eyes with a sleepy Luana, the girl sat up and sighed. "Spill", she instructed.

Elaine looked back confused. "Spill what?", she asked, feeling lost once again.

"Who got you dressing up like that? First Hogsmeade weekend and our El already has a date?", Luana clarified, stretching her arms over her head.

"I may have possibly agreed to a date", Elaine finally confessed, blushing aggressively.

"LILY YOU OWE ME TWO GALLEONS!", Mary suddenly exclaimed, jumping up from her bed. All the other girls only stared in shook at the Blonde who usually didn't get up before 12 on a weekend. As Mary jumped around in the room, Elaine grasped what was going on.

"You bet on me?", she exclaimed, feigning hurt.

"Duh", Lily answered shortly, before turning to Mary. "You don't even know who is taking her on a date", she argued, locking eyes with Elaine once again.

"Who is it?", the redhead inquired.

"Louis?", Elaine admitted shyly, blushing once again as all hell broke loose.


"What?", was all that Elaine could utter at the absolute chaos going on around her. By now, all girls were standing on their beds, screaming at each other.

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