21- drunk words, sober thoughts

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"And when at last you find someone

to whom you feel you can pour out your soul,

you stop in shock at the words you utter—

they are so rusty, so ugly, so meaningless and feeble

from being kept in the small cramped dark inside you so long."

― Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath


Disclaimer: I know I should have said it before at some point, but please do not engage in underage drinking, or at least know your limits. Alcohol is a drug, and it can lead to terrible, terrible things. Please stay safe & drink responsibly.


Elaine was positively, thoroughly, absolutely, definitely blasted out drunk. She wasn't sure who she was dancing with anymore, and she had long lost track of how many shots she had taken down, knowing that there was no way she could still count them on her hands. She had also lost track of who she had been taking shots with, though she was sure that she had made new friends with at least a dozen people.

Elaine was drunk, and it felt nice. There was no pressure anymore, no thinking, just the music and the drink in her hand.

As she screamed her heart's content out to the ABBA song blasted over the speakers, she was hit with a hand in the side.

"Sorry!", somebody screamed into her ear, steadying her as the French nearly fell over. "No probl'm, chouchou", she purred, holding onto the stranger's arm as she nearly fell to the side again. "Jésus", she exclaimed, trying to come back up.

"Good Merlin, you're drunk", the stranger sighed, pulling Elaine off the dance floor. "Where are we going?", the Gryffindor pouted, staring longingly at the mass of moving people.

"To get your drunk ass some water", the guy scoffed, pulling Elaine to the makeshift bar near the door.

"Oy pads, is Ellie alright?", a concerned voice sounded through Elaine's alcoholic haze.

"I know you", she smiled brilliantly, pointing towards the new guy. He was tall, and had big eyes that were staring at her worriedly. "But I don't know why", she pouted.

New guy and stranger exchanged a glance, as new guy moved his hand over his face.

"She's drunk?", he asked exasperatedly, taxing her with those concerned eyes.

"Positively blasted", stranger confirmed. "I don't think she even recognizes me", he shrugged, filling up a cup. Elaine only nodded her head in confirmation, as she stared at the (also very tall) boy in his leather jacket.

"Drinks!", Elaine exclaimed happily, clapping her hands. "You have to take a shot with me, that's fun!", she added.

"Yeah, we'll take a shot of water with you", stranger mumbled, sliding the cup over to her.

"No, water is boring", Elaine pouted. "Water doesn't help me forget"

Now, both boys were taxing her with even more concerned glances. "Why would you need to forget?", stranger asked her. New guy sighed. "It's probably because of her asshole boyfriend. He wasn't too amused with the idea of her being here tonight"

Elaine felt her face conform into a shocked look. "Hey, snitches are bitches!", she exclaimed, looking at new guy more carefully. "I don't like you", she finally decided, crossing her arms.

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