Chapter Three


"Good morning Annie, here are your medicine for hangover, some soup and your bath will be ready soon." Yeonha prepared a hangover breakfast and medicine for me.

"Was I really drunk last night?" I asked after taking my medicine."You were shouting, 'I wanna go back and see Jimin' in the van." She explained."Good heavens." I face palmed.

"Hurry darling, we will have a meeting with the CEO of JMP network, I think the bath is ready, chop2x." She pushes to the bathroom.

"Eomma, where's my glass of milk." I can't help but see wittle Jungkookie rubbing his eyes, I smiled then closed the bathroom door.


"Good morning buddy, we have work to do." I woke up when I heard a knock on the side of my door it was Hoseok who was leaning at the door.

"Ugh wtf hyung, I smell like soju and kimchi combined." I immediately took off my shirt.

"That's because you barfed after we arrived, not as fortunate as the first one, it got on your shirt, I changed your clothes dipshit, it's the smell that lingers." Taehyung explained while passing by my room.

"Fuck, I'll take a bath now. You both go to work first, I'll catch up." And Iwent into the bathroom.

"Sure2x, just hurry up, you wouldn't want make your assistant mad again." Hoseok shouted then went out.

The three of us lived under the same roof, even though we're already loaded with money we still promised each other to live together, well originally it was the four of us but Seokjin-hyung doesn't want to leave his mom behind.

As I got inside the building the first thing I saw was my assistant tapping her feet while looking at me.

"Taehyung said you're going to be late because you were drunk last night." She said in anger while we were walking to the elevator.

"Come on Rese, you actually believed what Taehyung said. I wasn't drunk last night; I was just tipsy." I replied as we got inside then she played a short clip of me being drunk.

"Aww, mi amore is gone with her Prince Charming. I am left here alone. Parting is such sweet sorrow."

I turned Teresa's phone off. "Okay, I was a little drunk." I'm gonna kill him when he gets home.

"I've arranged a meeting for you today sir, it's best you have your best behavior. You might be interested in her." Teresa reads her tablet.

"Her? Meeting? What?"

We both went inside my office.

"Sir, to recap, I've arranged you a meeting with an artist and their team because they need equipment for their shooting."

"Can't they have their own equipment," I sat down in my desk.

"About that, sir they are foreign artists, specifically in Korea."

"Don't tell me." I flopped my face on the table. "They're Annie and Jungkook?"

"Woah, sir how did you know?"

"I've heard about them, can't Jihyon meet with them?"

"Sorry sir, Mr. Kwon has his schedule full because of Jennie's new song coming up and they're planning to shoot a music video this week."

"Can you meet with them, you're my assistant after all."

She sighed, lowered her shoulders. "Jimin, they need you."

"Fine. Hey, stop calling me sir, it's nice for you to say my name. You've been very loyal to me and to this company."

"Of course sir, I mean Jimin. I'll tell you if they are here." Teresa smiled then walked out of the door.


"Okay, I know that JMP Network is a huge company but, it doesn't have to be this big." I said with my eyes wide open while looking at the building.

"CJ E&M is big too you know." Jungkook said.

"I know but this has more floors." I said then opened the door and entered the building

"Wow." Me and Jungkook said it together.

"That's what I said when I first stepped in this building."

I was shocked that someone beside us talked.

"Hi, I'm Teresa Salacia; Mr. Park's assistant. He's waiting for you at the meeting room." She introduced herself to us.

"I'm Yeonha Jung; their manager, this is Annie Diamandis," she pointed at me. "and Jungkook Jeon." She pointed at him.

"Charmed." Jungkook flashed his bunny smile and I smacked him slightly in the head. "Ow." Then Yeonha glared at both of us as we all walked.

"So, is there a cafeteria here?" Jungkook ask out of curiosity then I smacked him again because he was being rude. "Again? I was just curious; this is a very large building after all."

"Indeed we have Mr. Jeon." Teresa answered.

"Just call me Jungkook, ma'am."

"Ma'am? I'm only 23." Teresa said.

"At that age you are now an assistant to the CEO?" Yeonha asked.

"Well if you have the strength and courage to get what you want you can get it. I started being his assistant when I was 20." Teresa pushed the button to the 18th floor.

"May I ask; how many floors does this building have?" I looked at the window of the elevator to see that we're actually far from the ground.

"25 floors. Most of these floors are shooting area, green screen rooms, and offices."

"And cafeteria." Jungkook added.

As we got off the elevator, Teresa showed us to the meeting room.

"You all get comfortable; I'll fetch Mr. Park." Then Teresa went out of the room.

"Well." Jungkook said. "Well?" I asked.

"This Mr. Park is crazy rich. Look at that, in a meeting room there is a game console. I'll give it a try." Jungkook said then sat on the floor to play.


"Mr. Park, they're waiting and btw, that was Anniza out there. You guys aren't friends anymore right?"

"I haven't seen you in high school, and how did you know that?" I fixed my suit in front of the mirror.

"You were seniors right? I was a sophomore back then plus the whole school knew about it silly. Outside, now." Teresa fixed my tie then pointed the door.

"Okay boss, but can I at least wear a mask? And can you pretend that I had an allergy attack." I suggested. 

"Fine, I get extra pay okay." She laughed. "Anything you say." I said then the two of us went to the meeting room.

The first thing I saw inside the room was her boyfriend playing in my game console. "Teresa could you turn off the console." I said. "Sure." After that she turned off the console. "Mr. Park had an allergy attack but still he manages to have this meeting with you all." I winked at her after she said it.

"Thank you Mr. Park." Anniza reached her hand to me and I just looked at it, I stopped when Teresa bumped into me then we shook hands

"You're welcome."

This is awkward.

End of Chapter Three

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