Chapter Six


The shoot started great but it got uncomfortable when Jimin and his girlfriend arrived because Jimin's girlfriend kept interrupting our shoot by making some noise while she kept on clinging on his boyfriend.

"Excuse me, we're trying to shoot. Mr. Park I think you're smart enough to know the situation." Our director Clyde said to them.

"Love, let's get some coffee outside, mkay?"

"Hmph! Okay, but I want the Unicorn Frappe." And they went out. What a baby, but still justice is served.

"Now let's get back to it."

In this scene Eunwoo was crying because he was insecure about himself then I hugged him.

"Will you promise me right now?

Every time you feel alone

Several times a day

Don't throw yourself away

Stop for a moment

Come take my hand

Promise me now."

Then I showed my pinky and Eunwoo wrapped his on mine.

"And cut! Wonderful everyone!"


I heard everyone was clapping. The shoot must've ended. Zency and I ran towards the shooting area.

"Congratulations everyone." I clapped and so did Zency but slowly and that made her forget her frappe and it spilled on the ground.

"Can I get a mop?"

Anniza was busy bowing and congratulating everyone then she looked at me and didn't saw the spill, she slipped and hit her head.

"Iza!" I quickly ran to her and checked the part of her head that had an impact and I saw,


Jungkook ran to Anniza too, it all happened so fast, the next thing I know I was in an ambulance to Hope Chain of Hospitals Main Branch owned by Hoseok-hyung.

"Anniza, I'm so sorry, sorry, sorry." I held Anniza's hand tight while my girlfriend comforted me.

Jungkook took Anniza's hand from me, "She was in front of you, why didn't you tell her?"

"Sorry. I just got distracted."

Jungkook ignored him then rested his head on Anniza's palms.

That made me clenched my fist again, Zency noticed it and placed her hand on top of mine, "I know it's not your fault baby." She kissed the side of my lips.

With the emergency check-up and body scanning to see if the brain has any damage, it felt like the world has gone into a fast motion, I took Zency home then came back to the hospital.

"How is she hyung?" I asked Hoseok-hyung.

"She had a mild with moderate head injury, it's both because there's minimal injury in her head but she's unconscious for quite some time, when we scanned her she's fine but we might need to check her up later when she wakes up, she might vomit, have nausea, or worse have amnesia. I have to go Chim, I have a patient on the next floor. Let's have chicken when we get home." After that Hoseok-hyung walked away.

"Sure!" I covered my mouth when a nurse shushed me then I realized I was in front of the room where they keep the babies.

I went inside her room seeing her asleep alone, I sat beside her then flopped my head in the bed railings, "I'm sorry, I haven't realized what I was doing. I know I made some messed up shit that hurt you a lot and I'm sorry." I closed my eyes then I felt tears dripping from my face.

"I can't lose my diamond in the rough okay," I smiled a little bit. "well technically you're now the diamond among the pearls, you know what I mean." There was no response. My smile faded. "I hope we can be friends again." I kissed her forehead then head out.


As I opened my eyes everything was all white. Is this heaven? I stopped thinking when I felt serious headache. "Ow, my head." Then I vomited but luckily I got a bucket before it happened. My complaints and barfing woke up Yeonha and immediately called for nurses and doctors then head out to get me something to eat.

My vision was blurry but I saw a faded figure wearing something white. Must be the doctor. As he or she got closer I was greeted with somehow a heart smile. Is that even possible?

"Hi, my name is Doctor Hoseok Jung." He scanned my eyes afterwards with a tiny flashlight. "Eyes are normal." Then a nurse beside her wrote it down. He also checked my nose to see if something like a fluid drooling down, "Nose is clear." Then the nurse took note of it too.

"Now tell me who they are." The doctor showed me flash cards of people.

"My mom, my sisters; Aria and Adriana, my dad, and I don't wanna talk about him." The doctor flipped the last photo to himself and saw Jimin then flipped it back again. "Memory is still intact." He signaled his nurse to go out of the room and she did. "But Anniza, do you remember me?" He showed me again his heart smile.

"You're Hoseok? The Hoseok that Kai in his friends used to hang out with?"

"It's me."

"Wah you're a doctor already." I looked at from head to toe. "You are busting some dance moves back in high school and I thought you'd be a dance teacher or something."

"That's what fate planned for me I guess, but I never stopped dancing though. I lead the dance routine for the oldies here."

"That's nice." I smiled at him and let out a sigh. "I'm glad the shoot was over before the accident happen."

Hoseok smiled awkwardly. "Yeah, that was a close one though."

I looked at the side of my bed and see a bouquet of chrysanthemums; my favorite flower. It had a note that said; "I hope you feel better seeing this, my flower. -Opal" "Opal?"

"Opal who?" Hoseok asked.

"Someone gave me this bouquet and it was signed by this person called Opal," I gave the note to him.

"It's handwritten." Hoseok was scanning the note.

"Whoever he or she is, they must've known my favorite flower, not all people know about it."

"It's kinda suspicious actually."

Who's Opal? He or she seems familiar.

End  of Chapter Six

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