Chapter Thirteen


If you think ending the dance was awkward, walking home, sleeping next to each other was even more awkward. Why did you have so many girlfriends? It's better than having 40 but still. I mentally face palmed myself before going to bed.

I woke up in a position like last time; me and Anniza cuddling. It's not our fault we need something to hug while sleeping. I kissed her forehead, gently unwrapped her arms from my waist and replaced myself with my pillow, it has my scent so she won't notice that I was gone. I kissed her forehead. This is the last time you'll have the chance.

I cooked crepe with banana and Nutella for her and for me I reheat the last slice of coconut cream pie that Seokjin-hyung left for us.

When Anniza passed by she was carrying a bag and placed it in the living room sofa. "Where did you get that?"

She walked towards the kitchen. "Under the bed. There's another one if you'd like. It's a waste to leave those clothes untouched." She pouted. Cute.

"Put it back." I said while waiting for my cream pie to be done.


"Because we might come back with the others or we might need it for emergencies."

"Fine, but after break—wah! Crepe." She took a bite and moaned. "Banana with Nutella. Park Jimin you are magnificent."

"I truly am babe." I walked to her amd leaned to her face but she pushed me back. "Aish never."

I went back to the microwave.

"Did you know that Jungkookie is scared of microwaves?"

I chortled. "Microwaves?"

She giggled. "Because he thinks it might explode or something."

"I'll just bring this later." I smirked.

"No, don't hurt Kookie, you'll like him once you get to know him." And the microwave dinged.

I took out my pie and Anniza was drooling because of it. She was about to take a piece but I moved the plate far from her. "You aren't allowed to eat or drink coconuts during red days, and you know that." She just rolled her eyes then went back to eating her crepe.


We packed two lunches; todays' meal and tomorrow, dinner, and breakfast, we made the meal good for four because we might never know who will come. As soon as the helicopter landed we locked everything and said our final goodbye to the island. We were surprised that Taehyung was inside and Jimin immediately gave him what he deserved and I just looked at them laughing.

"Anniza! Help me!" He reached out his hand.

"You deserve that Tae, of course I won't help you. You scared the shit out of us."

Jimin stopped and sat beside me. The pilot told us to strap in and we did, after that the helicopter flew away.

"You guys aren't pranking us so that you can get away from that island right?" Taehyung raised one of his eyebrows,

"Nope." I rested my head on Jimin's shoulder. "We're fine now really." He finished my sentence.

"Aww, when will we expecting to be uncles?" We both glared at Taehyung.

"Chill, chill. I'm just joking. Did someone part their legs? I mean we left some of those rubber things that Seokjin recommended."

Taehyung was in front of us so I reached out my body to him and smacked him numerous times.

Jimin just looked and laughed. "Anyways, it's a long flight from Palawan to New York, why did you even picked that island?"

"It was the most affordable private island we could find."

Jimin chuckled, "Can you believe that Anniza, affordable." He looked at me and he noticed that I was half-asleep, he kissed my forehead and that made me blush.

"Get married already!" Taehyung shouted and I glared at him before going to closing my eyes.


When Anniza fell asleep, I smiled at her then looked away looking sad.

"What's wrong with my buddy?" Tae looked at me with a concerned face.

"It's just that, well, I asked Anniza to be my girlfriend." I sighed.

"You did? Well by the looks of you two you are—"

"Not in a relationship, I blame myself and my past." I sighed again. "She knows who I really am and she's scared that I'll just forget about her when we break up."

Taehyung also sighed and patted my shoulder. "Hey, I think it's not the right time."

"You just say that to make me feel better." I smiled at him. "It was the right time, if you could've seen what I prepared for her, it was perfect. But she said I'll think of other ways if I want her to be mine but for her, she just wants to be my bestfriend." I held her hand and kissed it. "If that's what she wants I'll give it to her whole-heartedly."

"I think I'm gonna cry." Taehyung wiped an imaginary tear from his eyes and I smacked him

It took about 15 hours before we could drop on American land due to a small rain in the middle of the sea, luckily we were safe but within that long boring hours all we could do is eat, talk, sleep in that arrangement.

The moment we touched the ground the sun already set. I took a deep breath. "I missed the freshness of the island." I smiled.

"And how quiet it is too." Anniza followed after.

"Come on, the car's waiting for us." Taehyung waved at us then ran after him.

We instantly saw the faces we want to murder and they were hiding under the seats of the car. I jumped on Seokjin and Hoseok-hyung while Anniza jumped on Jungkook.

"I should've brought the microwave to you when I had the chance!" She shouted. "I told you so!" I shouted back.

"Stob it, Park Jimin! You should be grateful to us! If it weren't for our brilliant plan you and Anniza would just sit straight and act like you don't know each other." Seokjin flipped his imaginary hair.

"Yeah, yeah, thank you." I rolled my eyes then sat down beside Hoseok-hyung, Anniza sat next to me and next to her is Jungkook while Seokjin-hyung and Taehyung were in the front.

"It's my birthday soon and my folks planned on having my birthday at their house, do you want to come?" I whispered in her ear. "Sure." She flashed a smile on me.

"So where are we going now?" Anniza asked.

"Going to my restaurant." Seokjin smiled while driving.

"Yippie!" Taehyung and Jungkook clapped their hands

"Ahjuma!" Anniza straightaway hugged Seokjin's mom when she saw her.

"Let's celebrate!"

End of Chapter Thirteen 

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