Chapter Twelve


Immediately after our picnic Anniza quickly ran away with the camera that I gave to her which I found while I was checking some drawers in the bedroom. I smiled at her then went inside.

As I was washing the dishes Anniza came running to me and showed me the picture she took. "The hermit crabs looked so cute, I'll send this to Namjoon-oppa when we go back." Namjoon-oppa? The real boyfriend?  But still, her being this close makes my heart beat, from the smell to the way she leans towards me. Am I—no it can't be. Maybe washing the dishes will make this feeling go away. (A/N: I wish it could)

"Who's Namjoon?" I asked then she stopped at the doorstep.

"He's my friend back in Korea, he's an Artist too." She smiled then walked out. It's just another friend mate, no need to worry.

It's been three days and I think we'll just stay here for a week and will be going back in about four days. I'll just let my heart be and I continued washing.

I stepped out and saw Anniza enjoying her time taking pictures. "Check if there's a SD card attached to it." I grinned.

"What?! There isn't?" I could see her finding the card. "Yah! It's here!" she shouted and I laughed at the same time my heart fluttered again. There it is again. Please stop.

The days went by in a flash and I'm starting to fall in love with her, us sleeping together makes my heart beat faster before going to sleep. We told them that we're good and they were happy for us, they told us that the helicopter will get us tomorrow after lunch and I'm planning something for her tonight.

These past few days we've been roaming around the island, Anniza found some beautiful seashells that she'll bring home. I'm glad that they left us goggles so we snorkeled the beach, and they also left us canoes too and we went canoeing afterwards, an unforgettable unplanned vacation indeed.

I went to prepare my surprise for her.


Last week I was still mad at Jimin, now we've become closer than ever thanks to Jungkook, Taehyung, Hoseok, Seokjin, and this island too. I'm a little bit disappointed because a week has gone by so fast and I don't want to end this so soon.

But these days we're fun, I tried overcoming my fear of the ocean because I'm with Jimin. I found some seashells, took a lot of picture that'll last forever and I'm glad I'm here with him.

Jimin left a note in the coffee table. 'Let's play treasure hunting. The first clue is located where the land and the water meet, trapped where the Black Pearl was kept swaying on its own beat.'

Where the land and water meet, it's the sea. Where the Black Pearl was kept, in a bottle.

I ran to the shore and from a distance I saw a bottle that was pushing back and forth by the water. Inside I saw a note and it said; Lajimolala. I smiled and already knew where it is. I ran back inside and the smell of carbonara filled the whole house. I opened the lid and under the lid it says; Dinner is served. Luckily it was small and I finished to quickly because it was delicious below the yummy meal it said; Who am I? Obviously your Bestest Best Friend.

Jimin... why did you make this too easy. I looked in every drawer and finally found the apron, there was a pocket that had a piece of paper, I took it out and read it, it said; Too easy eh? I'll give you a hard one. Find the fourth where we put a blanket on top of it. The first thing that came into my mind was a bed so I quickly went towards our bedroom and looked under it, I thought that it was a clue but I saw a sachet of condom that said; Think again ;). I rolled my eyes and went out.

As I was in the porch, I saw the picnic blanket was placed in the field. I ran to it, looked under the blanket and found nothing. I looked every corner but there was nothing. I sigh but then I saw something written in the blanket; That was a tricky one eh, I told you so. The last one is where the modern meets the ancient. Enough rhyming, why don't you just come here already.

I looked up and the sun is starting to set. Modern meets ancient. I was tired from running so I walked to it. I was shocked to see fairy lights lit up the gazebo with Jimin in the middle.


Anniza walked slowly to the gazebo and one by one light bulbs beside the path light up as she was walking, when she was standing in front of me, I held her hand and kissed the top of it and that made her slightly blushed. "Since it's the last night of this wonderful escapade milady I wanted to make this night memorable." I smiled then played a song.

She smiled at me. "High school musical?"

I knelt and lend my hand to her. "Can I have this dance?"

Can I Have This Dance? By Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens was played. We held hands, I placed my right hand on her waist while she placed hers on my shoulder, and we moved to the beat.

"This was the music we used to dance to when we were young." She smiled at me and I just smiled back and we both sang,

"It's like catching lightning

The chances of finding someone like you

It's one in a million, the chances to feeling

The way we do

And with every step together

We just keep on getting better

So can I have this dance?

Can I have this dance?

Can I have this dance?

Can I have this dance?

Can I have this dance?"

We pressed our foreheads together.

"I've been thinking about it a lot and I wanted to let it out."

"What is it Jimin?" She looks at me

"I." I took a deep breath. "Want you to be my girlfriend."

Anniza was shocked of what I said, "Jimin... I like you too

but. I-I'm sorry"

I was stunned of her answer, "Why? You said it just now, you like me."

"I do Jimin, I really do but I..."

"Am I too clingy? Am I not that handsome? Do you love someone more than me? Why? Why?" I grabbed her shoulders.

Anniza's tears were starting to flow down, "I love you Jimin, I do, it's just, I don't want to belong to your long list of girlfriends. I remember how you get over your girlfriends so easily and I don't want that to happen to me Jimin, I don't." her tears kept on flowing and I hugged her. "You know that I've changed right? I know it in my heart that I'll see you walking through the aisle with me waiting for you."

She was sobbing. "If you want be to be in your life, I want to be your bestfriend only Jimin. If you want us to be more than that think of something different, but for me I just want to be your bestfriend, I don't want to be your 20th ex. But we could still be friends right? Like we always do?" I could tell that she's forcing a smile on her face.

"Yeah." It hurts but. "We could still be friends." I let go of the hug then smiled at her then hugged her again. "I'm sorry, I did this." I cried too. "Don't worry." She patted my back. "This won't change anything, I'm glad I let something off my chest," I could feel her smiling. "Yeah, me too." I hugged her even more and we both cried.

'I know I said I'm alright, easier to say I'm fine' Jungkook did a good job writing these lyrics.

End of Chapter Twelve

A/N: Again, this story is fictional. JK did not write Promise for it was Jimin. I just put it there with my own intentions. Please don't get me arrested.

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