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"so then she walked into the store too, and saw the bra. but the first girl was holding it. then she just yanked it out of the first girl's hands and then they started fighting. then he came in and was like 'ladies, ladies, that's my size'. and they just stood there with they're arms cross-"

"whoa whoa raine, you're going to spoil the whole movie. zane and i haven't seen it yet." adelaide knott conner stopped her friend.

"lai, that's like the first five minutes, i didn't spoil anything." raine evie martins pouted. zane delilah montgomery watched her two friends spat back and forth with an amused smile on her face.

the three lived together in a house, just outside of los angeles. they needed one more person to pay rent, but they weren't too worried. raine's parents were gracious and helped them out. right now, the three girls were at the mall, searching for something to wear to adelaide's little sister's graduation.

they had gone in and out of at least ten stores, and only found a pair of not needed shoes for raine. zane guided them over to an electronic map, by a small fountain. she clicked through the buttons, searching for another place to go.

"zaney, come on, let's go to forever twenty one again." raine whined.

"like we haven't been there two thousand times already." adelaide rolled her eyes. zane turned to face her friends, pulled out her phone, and typed something up.

"please shut up. and no rai we're not going to forever twenty one again." she wrote.

the two others sighed, and zane turned back to the map. searching around, she found pacsun, but it was on the other side of the mall. she pointed to it and slapped raine and adelaide, getting their attention.

"sure." the oldest, adelaide, linked arms with the two. they walked to the escalators and made their way to pacsun. the three girls had know each other since elementary school, and stayed close ever since. they were inseparable, especially since zane never talked.

meanwhile, near pacsun, but at footlocker, the band why don't we, was trying to get their friend to stop buying shoes.

"corbyn! stop!" zach, the youngest band member, spoke, dragging out letters.

"but, but, they'd go with that one hoodie i have." corbyn whined.

"you have like fifty hoodies. i think you'll be ok if you don't have shoes to match every single one." jonah, the oldest, patted him on the back.

"what a good joke." jack, another band member, mumbled under his breath.

the last band member, was not engaged in the conversation though. he just came all the way back from the food court, in the middle of the mall. he only went there to buy apple juice, and now he was sipping on the straw, getting the liquid into his stomach.

"nope." corbyn shook his head while cradling the pair of shoes. jonah signaled to jack and zach, telling them to take the shoes, on a count of three. he held out his fingers. one. two. three. zach leapt onto corbyn, causing him to drop the shoes, and hit a sunglasses stand. jack dove and retrieved the shoes, and then continued to hide them somewhere in the store.

an employee came over, to see what all the commotion was about. when he saw the scattered sunglasses, he was furious. the worker had just organized them this morning, and now he would have to do it again.

"i'm going to have to ask you to leave."


what is it with me and kicking people out of stores...?

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