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"cypris? can you come over?" jonah talked to one of zach's best friends on the phone. the two friends had met in texas, and then when zach moved, she moved too. "zach's having a mental breakdown about a girl."

"sure. i'll be right over." cypris magnolia lee said bye to jonah, and slowly got out of her bed. it was about two thirty, but the red headed girl still hadn't gotten up yet. today was the anniversary of the day that her grandmother had died. she missed her so dearly, and wanted to say in bed, but nevertheless, she got up to help zach out.


upon arrival at the why don't we house, cypris knocked on the door. jack and corbyn rushed to the door, eager to see the girl after they heard she was coming. the boys and her were all great friends, but of course she was closest to zach. after all, she had known him the longest.

"ris! we missed you!" the two boys pulled her into a tight hug and she laughed, feeling a little better.

"i missed you guys too." she spoke after they released her from the hug.

"he's upstairs." jonah pointed, showing cypris the way, even though she obviously knew it. the girl took the steps in twos, and went into zach's room, the second door on the right.

"what happened this time?" cypris sighed while collapsing on the bed. zach was sitting there, staring at his phone, waiting for something to happen. the girl had always been their for zach through messy breakups or anything, and he had been their for her. the two had nothing other than a friendship though, and neither wanted anything more.

"she won't text me." he grumbled, finally throwing his phone face down on the bed.

"who is she?" cypris picked up the phone and looked at the lock screen. it was a picture of zach and his family, extended and all. it made her miss her grandma even more, but she hid it.

"zane. we met her at the mall today, with her friends adelaide and raine, or rainbow or whatever. and she was really nice, but she doesn't talk. and i gave her my number when we were all leaving and now she hasn't texted me back. what if she couldn't read it? and I'll never get to get to know her. and she might hate me because we went and got chipotle and she might hate chipotle. what if she just thought it was a random receipt and threw it away? uh i'm and idiot."

"zach, shut up." cypris told him once there was a break in his babbling. he turned his attention towards her, removing his head from his hands. "she'll text you, she's probably just busy or something." she explained.

"that's what daniel said." zach rolled his eyes.

"and why didn't you listen to him?" the girl raised an eyebrow.

"because he's an idiot."

"well so are you." cypris laughed and ruffled her friend's hair.

"hey not fair!" he reached over and tried to the the same to the red head, but she ducked so he missed. then zach's phone dinged, signaling he got a text.

"do you think it's her?"


double update hehe!

new character cypris

let me know of mistakes


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