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"zach! grab the last box!" cypris shouted to the boy. she was finally moving in with zane, raine, and adelaide, after two months of being friends.

"why do i have to grab it?" he whined, but picked up the box from the trunk of cypris's car.

"because you're a boy!" adelaide told him, as he entered the house. she went out to shut the trunk, and then closed the front door.

"sexist." zach mumbled under his breath, only loud enough for zane, who was now helping him carry the box, to hear. she let out a small giggle after hearing that. the boy grinned after hearing her vocal chords work, even if it was only for a few seconds.

the two set the box on top of another in the cypris's new room. zane ran her hand through her hair, looking around at all the boxes. this would be a lot of work, but the girls could do it. zach stood there, watching her, she was beautiful.

zane now turned to face the boy, and immediately blushed. he blushed too, but wasn't embarrassed from his staring.

zach maneuvered his way around the boxes, not breaking eye contact with the girl. it was like a magnet pulled the two together, and they shared a single soft kiss.

"wow." zach breathed, still close to the girl. zane nodded, as she was thinking the same exact thing.

"uh, did i interrupt something?" cypris entered the room and saw the two in close proximity.

"actually yes." zach answered. zane was confused. most times when people are caught kissing, and someone asks that question, the answer is no. what was zach doing?

"what?" cypris gave a confused chuckle, and raine and adelaide came into the room. zane and zach were still so close, and zach turned her head so he could look into her eyes.

"zane delilah montgomery, i really like you, and i think what we share is special. i've never felt magic like that in any kiss before. it was so alive. i want to have that feeling all the time, and i want to be by your side as much as i can. will you be my girlfriend?"

zane immediately nodded, and the two shared another kiss. it was longer than the first, but still just as sweet and soft.

raine and adelaide still stood in the door way, and they were still a little confused. cypris was as well.

"will someone explain." raine asked, after their lips parted.

"explain what?" zach laughed. he shifted so he was behind zane, and had his arms around her waist. his head rested on her shoulder, and the girl felt safe in his arms.

"what just happened." adelaide told the boy.

"oh. well. um. we're together now." zach said, looking at his now girlfriend.

"wow what about jack?" cypris shook her head.

"i'll explain to him later. this will be hard for him, but it's for the best." zach fake pouted, making zane giggle again. he then whispered in her ear.

"i love you."


i realized i forgot to have lavender in
- senseless • sight • jack avery - OOPS

well that was honestly unexpected...i had no idea that my brain wanted that to happen

let me know of mistakes


- senseless • speech • zachary herron • ✔︎ -Where stories live. Discover now