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cyrpis picked up the phone for zach, and saw that it wasn't zane. it was corbyn. she tossed him the phone after reading the message.

"i'm going to kill that idiot." zach mumbled under his breath and started to reply to his band mate.


did she text yet

no shut up i swear i'm going to kill you

oh i'm so scared

zach was interrupted with his reply, when he got another text, this time from an unknown number. his breath hitched. cypris noticed, and leaned over his shoulder.


is this zack?


hi zack

unknown changed to zaneee

hi zaneee


oh and it's zach

oh sorry

you're good
so what are you doing


but it's summer?

i'm taking college classes in the summer

oh why?

then i can finish college faster

oh that's smarttt
wait so how old are you?


ahhaha i'm older than you


how'd you know? :(


you don't talk a lot like ever huh?



um reasons?

pwease :(  i won't tell anyone

zach i'm just not comfortable talking about it

but we aren't even talking

not the point

ugh fine
what's your favorite color?


ahhhh we're like christmasss

haha yes we are

ok ok
do you like chipotle or not?
because chipotle is the superior restaurant
just saying

chipotle is the superior restaurant


why would i send something i didn't mean?

good point
ahhh you're my best friend now

ok hi best friend

over at the girl's house, zane was sitting on her bed, with her laptop, doing schoolwork like she told zach. her airpods were inserted into her ears, and she was playing bebe rexha off of her phone.

adelaide and raine didn't hear any noise I'm zane's bedroom, and decided to check on her. they found her on the bed, typing away at her phone, not her computer. the two cuddled on either side of her, and peeked to see her phone.



ok continue

with what

the questions dummy

oh right
um one place you want to travel to


ooo you should hear our song about that

"wait is this zach?" raine interrupted. "from the mall?" zane nodded and kept texting. she had taken her airpods out when the girls came in. she exited her messages from a moment, and pulled up spotify. she searched up why don't we, and found their song 'come to brazil'.

the music started off, and she went back to texting.

i'm listening to it right now

oo really?

yeah with rai and lai


she says hi
and so does adelaide

hi rainbow!!!
hi adelaide
wow that's a hard name to spell

she knows

my friend cypris says hi

hi cypris!
we all say hi
how old is she?
oh this is raine now
i stole zaney's phone

oh and this is cypris
i stole zach's phone too

do you want to hang out sometime
like so we all can get to know you?
because we need another roommate and you seem perfect

sure i guess

the phone was then ripped out of raine's grip as zane stole it back.

at the why don't we house, zach was trying to steal his device from cypris, but she ran out of his reach, and down the stairs.

"give me back my phone!"


sorry that chapter was mostly texting

i think a lot of chapters might be like that considering zane doesn't talk

let me know of mistakes


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