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"i'll get it!" cypris shouted after their doorbell rang. zach and zane were hanging out her room, adelaide was studying, and raine was making brownies, again. "hi!" she greeted the girl at the door.

"hi, i'm mila stone, is zane here?" the dirty blonde asked. cypris nodded, and let the her in.

"zane! someone's here to see you!" she called down the hall as the two walked to the kitchen. zane paused the movie she was watching with zach, and the couple made their way to the kitchen as well.

"mila?" raine grimaced after seeing the girl. mila gave a shy wave, still nervous around raine, adelaide, and zane. adelaide's head popped up once she heard the name, and she scowled.

zane entered the kitchen, and stopped dead in her tracks. this made zach run into her, as she was holding his hand and dragging him to the kitchen.

"why'd you stop?" zach asked after he had recovered. he then looked up, and discovered mila was there. "mila?" he asked, confused.

zane resumed walking, but now held zach's hand tighter than before. she stopped at the island, far from mila.

"hi zane, i came to apologize." mila started. zane nodded, wanting her to continue. "I should've said something back in high school when my sister bullied you, but i didn't. i'm so sorry. back then i didn't realize that what my sister said actually hurt you, but now i do. i know you've been through a lot, and i'm really sorry i didn't speak up. i hope you can forgive me, but it's alright if you can't. i will understand."

by the end of mila's little speech, zane's eyes threatened to spill tears, and they did fall. she wiped the water droplets away, and went over to mila. she embraced her in a hug, and after a second of hesitation, the girl returned it. that was how zane forgave.

the two stood with their arms together for a while, and the other four in the room stood there awkwardly. adelaide cleared her throat, and the they pulled away from the hug.

everyone just stood there for a second, and then burst out laughing. the awkwardness in the air dissolved, and mila was now comfortable around everyone.

"well i have to go now, i'm meeting my mom for lunch." mila announced after the group calmed down.

"bye!" the group called, excluding zane. mila let herself out, and the five returned to what they were doing before.

"we should go to the mall." zach suggested, after they got into zane's room.

"sure! and get chipotle?" the girl wrote after opening her phone. zach nodded with a huge grin, and they walked out of the room holding hands.

"where are you lovebirds going?" raine asked, wiggling her eyebrows and licking some brownie batter off a metal and rubber spatula.

"the mall, to get chipotle and stuff." zach explained as his girlfriend jumped on his back.

"have fun!" she called as they went to the front entry.

"oh and adela, we're taking your car!" he called again.

"did he just call me- wait what?!"


this chapter is absolutely CRAPP

but whatever

this book has like uh seven chapters left

anyways let me know of mistakes


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