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"do you, zachary dean herron, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, to death do you part, according to God's holy law?"

"i do." zach whispered as tears streamed down his cheeks, he stared at the love of his life while their hands connected them.

"and do you, zane delilah montgomery, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, to death do you part, according to God's holy law?"

"i do." zane peeped. it was barely audible, and tears streamed down her cheeks too.

"then i declare you man and wife! you may kiss the bride!" zach pulled zane close, and their lips connected. it was as sweet and gentle as the first time they kissed, and now it had even more meaning and passion.


"can i choose his first name?" zach asked, begging zane. their first son had been born, and zach knew the perfect name. zane raised an eyebrow, hesitant. "you'll love it, i promise."

"should i come back when you've decided?" the nurse in the room interrupted to ask. zach looked at his wife, and she rolled her eyes telling him to pick the name.

"nope his name is zepplin dean herron." zach smiled proudly at his choice. "is that ok?" he whispered to zane as the nurse typed it in. she nodded, and looked down at their new baby boy.

the nurse left, and the couple gave her a polite nod as she shut the door. zach pecked zane's forehead, and leaned in more to see their baby boy.

"he's going to be trouble one day." zane whispered. she hardly talked, and it was only when she was alone with zach. when she did talk, it was barely audible. "just like you."

"i'm counting on it. i need someone to keep up my reputation." he grinned as zane transferred zepplin to his arms. she rolled her eyes, and admired her husband and sun.

soon, tears trailed down the mother's cheeks, and a soft and content smile settled on her lips. zach took notice, and asked her about it.

"zay? what's wrong?" he asked, moving a few of zane's loose hairs behind her ear. he gently wiped her tears with the pad of his thumb, still being careful and holding up zepplin's head.

"nothing's wrong. everything is perfect." zane said honestly. zach smiled contently.

"i love you. both of you." he whispered. zane whispered back.

"i love you."


i'm not crying you are...

the end! thank you for supporting me in this book! and thank you to all the cast members! last chance to apply to my two cast calls that are open

1. -senseless • smell • corbyn besson-
it will probably close on monday

2. -before you go • jack avery-
it'll probably close on tuesday? idk yet

and then i'll be opening another one for the fourth book in the series soon

ANYWAYS! the end! I love you all


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