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zach and zane had texted all night, neither of them falling asleep. once the boy stole his phone back from cypris, he locked himself in his room, as to not be disturbed. cypris then hung out with his band mates, before leaving after dinner.

adelaide and raine left zane alone in her room, after the three ate the cheese pizza they had had delivered.

zane had made plans to hang out with zach, and they were going to go see a movie and have lunch. the two had gotten close, even if they had only known each other for about twenty hours.

zach discovered that zane's favorite season was fall, and eventually the girl opened up, telling him why she didn't talk. he was heartbroken that she had to go through that, and wanted to help her.

"ready?" adelaide asked the younger girl, after she came out of her room. zane nodded, and the two went to the twin home's garage, getting in the jeep. raine was at her parents house, with her younger brother and two older sisters.

the two girls arrived at the movie theater, before zach.

"of course, he's late." adelaide rolled her eyes as the Jeep stopped in a parking space near the front of the theater. zane pulled out her phone, to say something to the older girl.

"you really don't like him huh?" she typed.

"no i do like him, but if he ever hurts you, he will pay." adelaide emphasized the last three words. zane smiled, laughing on the inside, at her friend. adelaide giggled along too, but then was startled.

zach tapped on zane's window, making the two girls jump. zane opened the passenger door, after unbuckling her seatbelt. she stepped out of the car, and zach gave her an unexpected hug. after a moment, she wrapped her arms around him too.

"bye! use protection!" adelaide shouted to them before reaching over and closing the door. the twenty year old drove off, and left zach and zane to walk into the theater.

"is she always like that?" zach laughed as they got in line for tickets. zane nodded, and the two of them shared another laugh. "what movie should we see?" he asked her, turning his gaze up to the screens. zane shrugged, not caring. "come on, at least type it or something."

the girl huffed, but nevertheless, she pulled out her phone to type. "how about maleficent mistress of evil?" zach nodded, and went up to the counter. he came back to zane, with two tickets in hand.

"popcorn?" he then asked. she nodded again, and the two went to get popcorn. after getting a medium tub of the snack, they went to theater five, and sat in the backrow, where they're seats were. they sat in the loveseat, and put the footrest up.

zane snuggled into zach, as she felt comfortable around him. the girl stayed awake for the previews, but because they didn't get any sleep last night, she soon drifted off into a peaceful sleep against the boy. zach thought she was asleep, and whispered to her.

"i'll protect you forever."

little did he know, she heard it all. zane then did fall asleep, and shortly after she was followed by zach.


sorry for the late update i was relaxing this weekend and i didn't have good service or inspiration so

but here's chapter eight

let me know of mistakes

and is maleficent mistress of evil good? i haven't seen it yet


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