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"i think i'm going to ask her out." zach blurted out to cyrpis as they played roblox.

"uh what?" cyrpis paused the game using her controller, and turned towards the boy.

"zane, i'm going to ask her out." zach repeated, in different words this time. he set his remote down, and turned to his friend too.

"really?" cypris asked, raising an eyebrow.

"look, i know you're skeptical of her, but i really like her, and i think she might be the one." cypris raised both her eyebrows at zach's statement. "what?" he asked, putting his hands up in defense.

"ok. whatever." cypris took her gaze off the boy and looked back at the paused game.

"come on ris, talk to me." zach pleaded, taking the girl's hands in his own.

"i just don't want her to break your heart." she sighed and looked up at him.

"she won't. if anything, i'll end up breaking hers." zach told cypris.


"yeah." zach nodded.

"hmm." the two began a staring contest, and avoided blinking. they did this whenever there was an argument, and it always helped. a moment later, cypris blinked, causing zach to jump up in victory.

"i won! yes!" he did a little victory dance. "loser." he pointed at his best friend and she responded by sticking out her tongue. zach copied her actions, and the two made faces at each other.

"ok, can i meet her first though?" cypris asked once they had calmed down. zach returned to his seat on the floor and nodded.

"sure, i guess." he then pulled out his phone and texted the girl. zane replied almost immediately, with a yes.

"what'd she say?" cypris asked, peeking over zach's shoulder.

"she said yeah, does two work for you tomorrow?" he asked, tilting his head. cypris nodded, and zach answered zane. he said goodbye to her, and put his phone on the bed behind him.

he made a silly face at cypris, which she returned. it made her close her eyes, which zach took as an opportunity to start the game up again.

cypris bolted into action after hearing the sound on the tv blasting, and the two began competing again.


"hi rainbow!" zach greeted as raine opened the door for him and cypris.

"hi zach! and hi! cypris right?" she answered.

"yep! it's nice to meet you." cypris nodded.

"come in!" raine opened the door further and the two removed their shoes once they were inside.

"where's zane and adelaide?" zach asked, looking around for the girls.

as soon as zane heard zach's voice from the front of the house, she leapt off her bed and zoomed to give him a hug.

"hi zay." zach laughed and embraced her in a hug too. he kissed her temple. raine and cypris left the two standing together in the entry way. "miss me?"

zane nodded in response, and then pulled zach into the kitchen too. raine and cypris were talking about where cypris was living. when the girl moved to la, she was only fifteen, and not old enough to live on her own. she moved in with her older cousin, and had lived there since.

"you could move in with us!" raine suggested. "we need another roommate!" then, the door slammed, signaling that the last of the three girls was home.

"ok who let that idiot heroine in here?"


i think i know where this book is going now so that's good

let me know of mistakes


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