Chapter 26

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I jolted awake, gasping and covered in a cold sweat. My mind was still trying to figure out what I had just seen. The image of Malekith dead at my feet was seemingly seared into the back of my eyelids.

For no reason I could conceive, I picked up my old, clunky burner phone, and dialed Rogers. The phone rang for a while before I was sent to voicemail.

"Hey, Rogers. I-I just wanted to let you know that...I'm fine. I'm completely fine, there's nothing to worry about. I'm in Canada right now, I won't tell you where. Don't come after me. I probably won't contact you after this. Don't come looking for me. Stay safe,"

I hung up and set the phone down beside me. I knew I wasn't getting any more sleep that night.

I stood up, stretching before looking around at my dingy surroundings. If I was gonna stay here, I should at least try to make it look somewhat decent. I went to work, finding a random broom in the corner, using it to sweep the floor, kicking the dust outside. 

As I set the broom, it hit me. I didn't have any food, I didn't have any water, I didn't have anything except a musty bed and a broom. The first problem I needed to tackle was water--you can't live without water.

I took my bow, figuring I could shoot for some food, and set out to find some water. I followed the sounds of the night---mosquitoes, rustling leaves, owls, singing frogs. Frogs! That's good! Frogs need water to reproduce, which means there has to be some nearby.

I followed the frogs to a babbling brook, with the roar of a small waterfall cascading from the rocks. I stooped down, gathering a bunch of water in a bucket I found before bringing it back to my shelter. Luckily, there was already a hearth inside, so I just lit a new fire and boiled the water.

Still, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was horribly wrong, but I didn't know what.

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