October 27

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Still using Nikki.... YAY!!!

Warning: This is a "grown up" chapter... BEWARE!!


I feel sick. Like... REALLY sick. I'm throwing up and having hot flashes. I'm getting frustrated for no good reason. Just a second ago Brianna asked if I wanted some ice cream, and I yelled at her to shut the hell up.

What's the matter with me!!? I know she can be a pain in the neck, but I'd NEVER say something like that.... TO MY SISTER!




I'M FREAKING PREGNANT!!!!!! No, no. Maybe I'm just being a teenager going through puberty. We get serious stomach aches too. I just don't know if they are supposed to be this serious.


I'm pregnant. I called Chloe and Zoey. I went on Google. I secretly took my mom's car to Stater Bros. to buy one of those pregnancy test thingies. I'm pregnant with a capital "P."

And how the heck am I supposed to tell Brandon? Oh hey babe, you know the night we decided not to have kids until we were 35? Well guess what... WE'RE HAVING A KID AT 14!!

And then I'd have to tell my mom...
Yeah, mom. I secretly had sex with my boyfriend.

My, God, help us all!!! I'm having a kid, and in not even 16!! I don't want to be one of those kids casted on Teen Mom! And I don't want to have to tell ANYONE but my best friends (mostly because they already know). So how am I supposed to tell Brandon and Mom? They're both part of my best friends list. (That's right! Mom's on the list, and I'm freaking PROUD of it!) Mom's gonna ground me, and Brandon's gonna freak out and abandon me. And then my dad's gonna hunt him down in his bug truck!


I guess there's no better time to tell him. I decided to help Brandon today at Fuzzy Friends. Gosh, this is just as hard as Tyra Bank's neckroll. (Small A/N: She's my cousin!!) I practiced and practiced. Nothing I said seemed to be the right words to say.

After we were done grooming a bull dog, we played with one of the German shepherds, and they weren't puppies.

We were playing monkey in the middle with her. I held onto the ball a little too long, and Brandon had to tackle me out of the way of the dog.

"Brandon, be careful when you tackle people!" I yelled as I was laying under him.

"Calm down, Nikki. You make it sound like you're pregnant," he laughed. I wasn't laughing. I had started to cry. "Holy s***! Nikki, you're pregnant!!?" He'd never cursed before. I started crying even harder. "When did you learn this?" he asked getting off me.

"Earlier today... I-I didn't know how to tell you, and I-I don't w-want to be pregnant!!" I stuttered.

"Do your parents know?" I cried even louder than usual. "Shhh! My grandmother might think I hurt you!" he whispered. We sat down on the bench in the yard. "Are you sure you're pregnant, Nikki?"

"Um, Brandon? What the HELL do you think: I'm lying about this!? Who in the world would do that!!? (Probably MacKenzie.)" His eyes widened in shock as I yelled.

"I guess you really are having a kid."

"Sorry... Mood swings."

"Yeah, I can tell. But I could've SWORN I wore something!"

Uh, well, I guess you didn't if I'm pregnant, you freaking retard! I thought to myself. I wonder how bad my mood swings can get. 'Cause I've NEVER thought of anyone (besides MacKenzie) like this!

My only problem is how I'm supposed to tell my mother. Goodbye, cruel world. It was nice knowing you.

Dedicated to-- maryam-the-muslimah

Dork Diaries:Brandon's POVNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ