The Intro

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Tara's goal was simple. Go to school, get good grades and graduate. Looking for love was not on the list but it came anyway. There was Daniel, her drool worthy handsome childhood friend who could make her laugh at any time of the day and then there was Ayo, a spontaneous new interest with all the right charms to make her fall for him. Love is meant to be easy... right?


This book is not a serious story with strong themes and all that. It's a short simple love story. There are lots of grammatical mistakes. I don't know what tense I started it and I don't know what tense I continued with later in the story. Sorry!

Copy Right

Do Not Copy My Story!!!

I Will Find you!!!
And I won't be nice!

This is not my life story.  I realised later that my personality is everywhere in this story but the story line is not my life.  Please note that. Also,  things written in bold italics are just my inputs and the author's note. 

Also,  a few events relate to real life.  The places used in this story are not fictional. I'll stop talking now..  Thanks. 

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