Chapter Three

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Chapter 3

The next day, I hurried to school the usual way. My alarm didn't ring and I felt so late. I was in the bus when I checked my phone and found that I set alarm for 6.00pm and not 6.00am. It happens a lot and I hate that I can't just settle down sometimes and set the alarm right. 

I arrived at school and immediately found Folake, my other friend at school. It seems she was just resuming today.

"Folake!" I squealed heading over to her to give her a hug. 

"Tara, you just forgot about me during the holiday."

I pouted and then pulled off a guilty expression. "Sorry na, I'm just weird like that"

"Save a seat for me from now on. You hear?" I nodded and at that precise moment spotted Efosa having a conversation with the class rep. I waved her signifying that I was in school already.

"Uggh, you are still friends with her." Folake said, her face scrunched up in disgust.

Seriously, what is with all my friends hating each other?

"Nawa o. you people will not let me rest again this semester." I complained shooting her a sideway glance.

When Efosa was done, she found her way over to the seat on my left all the while glaring at Folake.

"The goat is here." Efosa said and I face palmed. There is no peace when these are together.

"You must have looked in the mirror" Folake said hissing and facing a different direction. I have never been able to understand what is wrong with the both of them. I silently begged Efosa not to retaliate and luckily she didn't.

I yawned, feeling the exhaustion from not sleeping early last night.

"Ughh. Cover your mouth na" Efosa said.(Now)

"Mttchhew. I've already finished."

She didn't respond as she too put her hand over her mouth to yawn. Yeah, yawning is contagious.

"What did you talk to James about?" I asked looking around the class for a while. More people had resumed this week.

"Textbooks, I wanted to know the recommended texts for Creative writing."

I nodded 

The lecturer arrived a while later and began his lecture.

"So, I asked you all to read on the four historical periods of English Language. That was done back in your first year. It's significant for our topic today. I hope someone even opened the book."

My eyes widened and I grabbed my book and quickly skimmed through it. Oh yah, I remember It.

A few hands were raised but the lecturer picked someone from the front. It was Paul!!!

Everybody groaned when he stood up.

"The first of the four historical periods of English is the old English period of 449-1100. The British people before the invasion made use of the Celtic language before Emperor Claudius-....."

Four minutes later

"....Today, the social media slangs and a variety of expressions are influencing English all over the world"

"Wow. That was a very detailed history of English. A round of applause for him."

I rolled my eyes. So did almost everybody and he all reluctantly put our hands together.

"Show off" Folake whispered to me.

Okay okay. To be honest, I was jealous. I would guess everyone else too is jealous. The guy could recite a whole textbook if he tried. 

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