Chapter three

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The water in Glasswater was as clear as glass, hence the name. The Pevensies, Kaylee, and Trumpkin sat in the row boat as Peter manned the oars, rowing them down the stream.

Kaylee stood at the bow of the boat and leaned down to examine the water, letting her hand wave through it. Trumpkin sat quietly behind her, looking glum and sad. Lucy looked up at the cliff sides that surrounded them. She noticed the ancient trees growing limply on the cliffs. "They're so still."

Trumpkin looked up at the trees, frowning at the young girl. "They're trees. What did you expect?"

"They used to dance," Lucy pointed out. Kaylee didn't say anything but Lucy knew she was listening.

"It wasn't long after you left that the Tellmarines invaded," Trumpkin muttered almost accusingly. "Those that survived retreated to the woods. And the trees... they retreated so deep into themselves that no one has heard from them since."

Lucy cringed at the sad tale, looking around herself as Kaylee pulled her closer, pulling her into a soft hug. "I don't understand... How could Aslan have let this happen?" 

"Aslan?" Trumpkin asked. "I thought he abandoned us all when you lot did."

There was a short silence before Peter said, "We didn't mean to leave, you know."

"Makes no difference now, does it?" Trumpkin said bitterly. The dwarf was really getting on Kaylee her nerves.

"Get us to the Narnians and it will," Kaylee said calmly, her head turning back to the water.

Peter slowly rowed the little boat to shore. His arms were stiff from moving the oars back and forth. He felt relief when the boat jerked to a stop on the pebbled river bank. He extended his arm to Kaylee, earning a smile as he pulled her out of the boat. Trumpkin jumped out onto the land and dropped a small anchor into the dunes of rocks and stones. He stepped on the anchor to make it go deeper into the earth as Peter, Kaylee and Edmund pulled to boat out of the water.

Lucy had wandered further inland, enjoying the scenery. Kaylee crouched near the boat, examining the stone and pebbles, probably looking for any signs that Tellmarines or wild beast would have been there. 

"Hello there!" Lucy called from a couple hundred feet away. Everyone looked to see who she was greeting. Lucy was walking toward a creature that had black fur, a stubby snout, and four very sharp claws on its paws. Lucy approached it as if it were a long lost friend from the first grade.

The animal looked up from whatever was occupying it and grunted at Lucy. "It's alright," Lucy said kindly, still walking toward the bear. "We're friends!" she reminded, thinking that the bear had forgotten about her.

The bear grunted again and sat up to get a better look at Lucy. Kaylee her eyes narrowed at the bear as it got back on four legs and shuffled around in the pebbles, studying Lucy like an eagle would study a field mouse. 

"Lucy! Come back!" she screamed. The older Pevensies and Trumpkin looked up in alarm from their work. Lucy turned to Kaylee with a perplexed expression on her face. "What is it?" she called, completely unaware that the bear had already began to charge at her. When she heard the bear's snorting cry, Lucy finally looked back.

The bear was only a few feet away and Lucy picked up her skirts and ran as fast as she could in the irregular pattern of the pebbles. "Stay away from her!" Susan warned the bear as she notched an arrow into her bow.

Lucy suddenly tripped over some rocks and fell to the ground. The bear closed in on her, got up on its back feet, and roared at Lucy's face. Lucy screamed as the bear prepared to attack.

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