Author's Note

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Hello there everyone!

Don't worry. No. I'm not crying. Lol.

So in this note I want you to know my thoughts about this story.

I started this story way back 2017. If you'll notice, there are comments from 2017 on chapters 1 and 2. I posted this already but I unpublished this.

So what's my inspiration on writing this story?

In 2016, I meet my real life Zen. She's painting on the spot in an art exhibit and that's when I thought that I will write a story about a painter.

In 2016, my Aunt died from cancer. She's already in an advanced stage. Well, she hides her condition from us and she was diagnosed a little late. And that's why I write something about Rozend. I want you to pay attention to your health. I want you to be self-aware of your body.

In 2017, I'm already losing passion in writing. That's why Zen is suffering from that as well. Asking if she really belongs to the world of painting. And that's also why I unpublished this story. Because I don't think I can write anymore so I slowly disappear from this world.

I hope this story inspires you and teaches you something worthwhile to remember. I hope you find the place where you belong. I hope you are all well.

By the way, thank you for reading this story until the end. Even if this story hurts so bad. You're so brave to read this, aren't you all?

And thank you for those who are commenting on this story. I really appreciate it and I'm reading it all. You always lift my spirits up. It's nice to know that some usernames are familiar and I think some of these usernames are my readers since 2013, from the start. And some of you are even tagging me on twitter. I so love you all guys.

I'm actually planning to self-publish this book with Rozend's complete to the bonsai tree entries. I want to hold him because he's my precious boy. And I'm not really sure if there are readers who will avail it but I hope so. 

I'm actually also planning to write another Teen Fic story about slam poetry or spoken poetry but I don't think I'm already brave enough to write a story about depression. Possible Title: Words and Beyond. Well, anyway, I'm planning to take a rest from writing for a while. I'll come back again when I already have a story worthwhile to tell.

Let me know your thoughts about Zen and Rozend's story. 

I love you all to the universe and beyond. Live well.

~ Missmaple

You may tag me on twitter @missmapleWP with #TheUniverseAndBeyond

The Universe and BeyondTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon