Beyond Entry #1

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I see a girl in the attic with eyes gazing at us while we're moving to our new house. But her eyes are empty and blank and lifeless. Like she's alive but not really living. As if she already sinks deeper in an abyss she can no longer walk out from. I'm familiar with those kinds of blank, dead eyes. I see them often in the hospital – from those who no longer have the will to live and I don't want that for her.

And that's why I smile brightly at her, waving with a cheerful greeting. She probably thinks I'm annoying because she backs away from the window with a frown but that didn't erase the smile on my face.

That's when I start to worry about a stranger besides my own fading life.


Author's Note:

Hello guys! So I'm randomly editing Rozend's bonsai tree entries, preparing for the self-published version (probably next year and I'm kind of excited because this will be my first self-published book). LOL. I just missed him so much that I decided to post one of his entries. 

I am enjoying my time here so greetings from the universe and beyond. I love you all.


The Universe and BeyondTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon