reader insertion--OP 1

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How would Y/N appear in OP 1?

--In the first quick-view of all 1-A students in their hero costumes with their names beside them, Y/N would appear in between Bakugo and Asui. She'd be wearing her first costume, before it got all upgraded in season 3. She would have her goggles up on her forehead, using them as a sort of headband, while holding up one of her hands to form a peace sign.

--Y/N would appear again after Midoriya and Bakugo's clash before Shigaraki appears. As the screen shatters, it would turn a bright blue and Y/N would blast through it. She'd jump up and create a steppingstone, which would decay and then Shigaraki would appear to be reaching through it.

--When all the students are jumping up close to the end of the song, Y/N would appear after Kirishima and before Bakugo. She'd create a steppingstone, kicking off of it and flipping through the air. She'd pull off her goggles as she would appear in front of the camera, smiling and seeming to laugh as she vaulted herself through the air.

It was kind of short, but that's how I would imagine it at least. How would you guys picture yourselves appearing in the opening? I'm curious to know. 

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