The Flight

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"I'm intimidated by the fear of being average." -Taylor Swift


I feel my eyes burn as they unfold. The room is blurry, everything a bit fogged up. I have almost no recollection of where I am, or how I had gotten here. It's large, the room, almost as if it is made for multiple people. And then, I realized it is.


I had woken up early, maybe half-past six. The blinds were cracked open, just a smidge, but enough to wake me up. I remember how my suitcase sat there, almost waiting for me to come and claim it, for me to come and roll it across the hall. The sun had just started rising, a pink hue squeezing through the glass. At first, I was confused, and of course tired. I had picked up my phone, it was buzzing quite loudly, I remember the sound because it made me jump. I remember exactly what I wore, I mean, of course, I did, this was only yesterday. It was a blue dress, a casual one. I had a long flight ahead of me, can you blame me? It was funny, how I had been so excited. If only I knew what would lay ahead of me, if only we ever knew.


The room is bright now, the sun halfway up in the sky. A palm tree sways in the wind, glistening in the orange light. Someone stirs, I watched as they turn over, not yet opening their eyes, adjusting I assume. It hadn't come true, my wish, the one where I wanted this day to never come. I wrap my shoulders in a blanket, shivering from the chilly morning air. It's still in the room, a bit too quiet, almost scarily so. The fear, the one of being here, oh how it had started to appear.

The seat was small, as they tend to be on airplanes. To my right, a young woman sat. I remember her hair, for it was what I had stared at before drifting off to sleep. It was a light brown, almost appearing gold as the sun hit it. She also had hazel eyes, but they appeared green. I could tell she was American, she looked it. It wasn't fear that I had felt in those moments, it was loss. I truly felt at loss, for words, and of course, because I couldn't be myself. Maybe not even to the people I trusted, and certainly not with a stranger. I don't remember falling asleep, yet I did. For when I awoke, the plane was descending. I felt it in my stomach, it manifested as an anxious feeling, yet it wasn't. It was nothing of that sort.

She smiled at me first, I know she did, I would never have initiated the interaction

Lia was her name

She had been sitting in front of me on the plane.

"I'm going to Tikvah too" I had heard myself say.

And I had wondered, had I just made my first friend?


She approaches me only a minute after I have woken up, she was the one who had stirred. I don't recognize her, yet I remembered meeting my roommates the day before.

"I'm Sonny"



She was new.

Well, were all new, however, she came slightly later, last night I presume.

Her brown hair bounces lightly as she walks up to me. It's long, much longer than mine, almost reaching her hips.

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