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I never liked to be pigeon-holed and I never liked people to think that they know who I am. I like to keep people guessing.

-A.J Cook


I take a large swig from my water bottle as I cross my legs over each other. I listen to the calming sounds of nature as I rest on my bed, sitting under my gray blanket, letting it coat my legs so I will not shiver.

"Did you hear?" Abby asks as she flips her hair over her shoulder.

I'm surprised that she's even talking to me. In the time I have been in her room, she's barely spoken to me, let alone initiated a conversation.

"Hear what?"

I place my water bottle down on my nightstand, freeing my hands just in case I have to fight her off.

"I don't have to be in a room with your loser ass anymore" she pushes my head back.

So much for self-defense

We had just switched rooms nearly a week ago, and suddenly we were switching again? That doesn't seem to make any sense.

"Wait, what?"

"Were moving rooms again dummy"

I feel a small smile creep upon my face.

We were moving rooms.



The rain washed away any damage that had been made by the storm. The branches that broke off of the trees lay lifeless on the ground. I watched as the droplets hit the concrete with great force, causing them to jump back into the air.

"What are you looking at?" mama had asked.

I remember how she held a warm cup of cocoa in her hands as she talked to me

"The rain" I smiled "It's beautiful"

Mama looked at me, tilting her head to the side as she handed me the mug filled with the warm liquid.

"It is" she replied as she placed her hands into her lap "I've always enjoyed watching it wash away the debris and dirt that the wind left behind. Watching nature clean up for itself"

I laughed, but secretly, I thought the same thing.

If I could, I would have sat in front of this window for hours, simply watching nature take its course.


"Dina, did you hear?"

"Yep," she says, a small smirk surfacing on her face.

"Do you think we're going to be placed together?".

She moves her hair behind her ear, seemingly bored of the conversation. I wonder when we had drifted so far apart that I had to have an excuse to talk to her.

It's tough, trying to read your friend, trying to put together the pieces of how they act, and the way their face looks when they speak to you.

"What's wrong with us?" I ask

I watched as she turns around, not even answering my simple inquiry.

One day we had been the best of friends, and the next, we rarely talked. Just a few weeks ago, I had given her my place, a place that she wanted and now had.

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