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"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." -Maya Angelou


Although you cannot predict the future, you can speculate about what will happen. It's hot, the room, or maybe I'm just sweating from worry, maybe both. It had been pure torture, the first day, maybe that was an understatement.

"You okay over there, Kels?" Dina asks

She's sitting across the room, watching a YouTube compilation, could she read the worry upon my face?

I apologize, although I'm not sure why, I'm not sure if I had even done anything wrong.

I have nothing to be sorry for, that's what she told me.

"Do you think I'm weird" I hear myself ask.

She's surprised by the question.

She says no.

Maybe she's lying.


She had sat at one of the tables, she had wanted to answer our questions. I remember exactly what she was wearing that day, it was something that stuck with me. A blue blouse hugged her torso, it was royal blue.

We were taking a physics test, I remember that.

I also remember how I had been freaking out that day as I did almost anytime I had a test, she told me I was anxious.

I remember her words when I came up to the table.

I also remember the look upon her face. Sadness, it was, and I believe it was for.

Kelsey, she had said, you have so much potential, but because you get so anxious, it's so hard for you to do anything.

She knew before I had, my teacher.

It was as if she had predicted it.


The warm water runs over my hands as the bubbles that cover them slowly slip off. She enters quietly, I don't notice at first, I just continue warming my hands. After a minute she knocks, I almost hit my hand on the faucet as I jump in fear.

Emelia calls my name

Her voice is soft, like a fluffy blanket

"Kelsey," she calls, "are you okay?"

And that's when I notice it.

As if things couldn't have gotten any worse.

Blood dripping down my leg.

"One second" I reply

I take it as a sign.


I remember when Mama took me to the doctor, she had been worried about me.

We had tried everything, I was even prohibited from watching television, nothing had worked.

I remember the smell of the office, it was metallic, almost sour.

The assistant had called my name, and I remember grabbing on to mama's hand.

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