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I smash my head into my lap realizing what day it is. September first. My feed is filled with friends flying and returning to school. A tear falls down my face, causing me to produce more, and begin a full cry. I shut off my phone, not wanting to relieve the experience that I had been relieving for the past nine months. I shudder at the number. Nine months ago, I thought I would be one of the girls on that flight. Nine months ago, a small fire of hope dwelled inside of me. Nine months ago, I thought that going back was the only thing I had to look forward to, the only reason to get better. Nine months later, I know it's not. I know that it's not the only reason, but I also know that it was a huge motivation for my recovery, and now, I feel like I was cheated out of an opportunity. I silently curse the school under my breath as I click the button to turn my phone back on. A picture stares back at me, and my lips part into a smile. Nine months later, I know I can change the world. I know that no matter what, I was going to change people's lives for the better. I know that my experience could help others. I know what it is I want to do with my life. Suddenly, a saying pops into my head, and I know that what had happened would ultimately help me. We need four hugs a day for survival, and my experience was going to be one of those, for many many people.

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