A New Beginning

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"But there's a beginning in an end, you know? It's true that you can't reclaim what you had, but you can lock it up behind you. Start fresh."

Alexandra Bracken

A New Beginning

I remember my first day at my new school as if it had happened yesterday.

I remember how I excited I was when I went ou to buy school supplies

I remember how excited I was when I received my class list

I remember how my face lt up when I remembered that I was entering fourth grade, I thought I was so big.

I remember how it felt, waking up on the first day of school, not a calm bone in my body

"Mama," I said "I don't want to go to school"

I'm sure she had been shocked, although, I don't remember.

I'm sure she wondered why the hell her daughter who had been so excited about her first day of school was suddenly terrified.


Her arms sway by her sides as she enters our room. I notice a growing smile on her face and feel one growing on mine too.

"Girls," Emelia says "I have some good news for you.

I watch as Dina sits down on a desk, and Sonny removes her earbuds which are pressed gently in her ears.

"You may be getting a new roommate!"

The smiles that filled the room are suddenly gone. I watch Dina frown, and I observe as Sonny shakes her head in disapproval.

"A new roommate?" Dina asks

I feel my lip start to quiver.

"Ya!" Emilia hadn't noticed the change in our demeanor "Isn't that just so exciting?"

I stifle a laugh, although none of this is even remotely funny.

It was like I had to start over, from the beginning.


She walked towards me flipping her hair if only to let me know she was important.

I remember staring at her outfit, she was significantly more put together than I had been.

I stared at her eyes, her bright green eyes, as she stared at mine, willing me to make the first move, asking me to look away first.

I remember what she had said to me because it had stuck with me throughout the years

"I'm Evil" she had said "so watch your back"

"Why are you evil?" I had replied

I remember how shocked she was that someone had replied to her, that someone had interacted with her

"Everyone is evil" she had said "It's just a matter of who shows it"

I remember being stunned by this interaction, so shocked that when Molly approached me, I stood frozen for almost a whole minute.

"I'm Molly" she had said

I remember the way she scrunched her eyes when she smiled, the way her lips thinned out.

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