The Meet

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"Anxiety's like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you very far."

-Jodi Picoult

The Meet

I know it isn't a choice, however, I also know that I can be very persuasive. I am not suggesting that I use my anxiety to my advantage, because that would be utterly false. However, I do use my persuasion to aid in gaining resources.

"Do I have to go? I'm scared. It's bad enough to talk to people that I know, but I can't meet new people, not now" I announce

Emelia places her hand on top of mine, squeezing it tightly.

"I wish you didn't have to, Kels. But listen, Anna-Elle will be there, and I promise I won't leave your side. Plus, I'm sure your adoptive family will be nice" she smiles "I heard they choose only the nicest ones for you guys"

"I know, it's not that" I reply

"I know Kelsey"

"Promise you'll stay with me?" I beg

"I promise" she rakes her hands through my curls.

It was ironic that I had asked, knowing the answer. I knew she would promise, however, I also knew that she could not keep her promise. So I wonder why it made me feel slightly better, hearing her say those words.

"What time is it?" I ask

"Five minutes, I have to go let the other girls know."

I nod, I know that I had to go to this meeting.

I also know that Emelia will not stay with me

No matter what she says.

No matter how many times she promises.

She has a job.

I have to make things work.

This is my problem.


I remember the way the class ran, the teacher barely taking charge. Slurs were uttered throughout the room as she sat at her desk and worked on her computer. I flinched as people shouted terrible words to each other

"You're such a fag" one had said

"Well you're just a fucking woman, and you belong in the kitchen" Someone else shouted.

I had turned away, embarrassed at the conversation, and frankly, ashamed that the teacher wasn't taking any action.

"Guys, you know Kelsey has two dyke moms"

I remember the way the words sounded, I had wondered how they tasted in the boy's mouth

I wondered at the time, and still do, why the teacher never intervened.


"I can't breathe," I say as I place my hand over my chest, feeling the way my heart was beating.

I had been dreading this day since I heard about it, yet, now that it was here, it was simply like any other day. Almost every day, I become anxious over something, and today is no different. Obviously, I would have preferred if this event was not set to take place, but I know another equally anxiety-inducing activity would simply take its place.

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