Chapter 28: Bake-oof

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*Patton POV*

A few days have passed since Roman and I's movie night. Virgil's been getting a lot better and seems to be overall happier now, which is having a positive impact on everyone else.

It's Tuesday. I'm bored. I have nothing to do other than schoolwork, which I've been doing all day. I want to do something fun.

"Hey guys, can we do something fun?" I ask.

Roman has the day off today, and Virgil's been hiding in the corner away from the sun.

"Eh. Not really," Roman says.

"I'm perfectly content," Virgil says.

"Ok but consider this," I say, "The ultimate bake-off," 

"Ok but consider this," Virgil says, "We don't have that much money,"

"Ok, but consider these," I say, pulling out some coupons I got.

"Ok, but-" Virgil starts.

"I'm with Patton on this one. Plus, we're getting treats out of this," Roman jumps in.

I smile.

"Then it's settled. I'll make a shopping trip and we can get started!" I say, "Oh, and we should probably invite Lo,"

They nod.

"On it," Virgil says.

*Logan POV*

It's around 1 PM when I get a call from Virgil.

"Greetings, love," I say.

"Sup. So Pat and Ro wanna have a bake-off, you in?" He asks.

"1, please work on your grammar. 2, yes," I say.

Virgil laughs as I hang up.

I grab my phone, tuck away the computer I'm 'borrowing' from May, and double-check to make sure my door is locked.

I take the bus down to their apartment, getting there in a relatively short amount of time. I go up to their room and knock on the door.

"Logan!" Patton says.

"Salutations. So what is this 'bake-off'?" I ask.

Patton is getting very excited, as though he just ate a bunch of chocolate and candy. Actually, he's acting exactly like when he does that.

"Ok so I got the ingredients for probably anything and we all bake. Whoever's thing is the best wins!" Patton explains.

This seems like something we'd do as kids. 

"Who's judging and what do we get if we win?" I ask.

"Hmm," Patton says.

"I think Pat should judge since he's better at this than anyone else," Virgil chimes in.

"Yeah, and if you win you get to have the first pick of the desserts to keep," Roman says.

"Perfect! You guys have two hours, go!" Patton says.

"Wait- we're starting now? But-" I stammer.

I just got here. Although I shouldn't be surprised this is happening this fast.

"Go!" Patton says.

I pull out my phone and find a random recipe. Chocolate-vanilla swirl cupcakes. I grab the ingredients and supplies I need and start.

"Hey, Ro, what are you doing?" Virgil asks.

"Preheating the oven, why?" Roman asks.

I turn to look at them.

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