Chapter 3 - OLD

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Hi everyone I just want to let you know that from now on mumbo's POV will only be of the meetings he has with the other hermits about grian

Grian POV

It had been a week since mumbo had helped me until he had a starter base and enough resources to survive.  I can't believe it had been a week. The other hermits were  really nice have been really nice to me and welcoming. They felt like family, they laughed, share memories, and are just over all fun loving people to have around. I could go on for days about how nice they've been to me yet I have more important things to do. I shake my head as I get off my bed. I really didn't to get up. It was so warm and comfy in bed. I just wanted to sleep forever. I sit back down and started to drift back to sleep when I heard a rocket fire off in the distance. It's probably mumbo coming to check on me again. mumbo was never protective when we were younger. Normally he was the one that got us into trouble. Wait... I say out loud not even relishing it.  I think harder. Then it hit me. MUMBO! I grabbed my sweater and run out the door only to be met with a face full of water.  right I forgot. My base was underwater. I grabbed my boat then tried again. I chuckled to myself as I rowed over to mumbo's base. 

  " well that's one way to wake up isn't it " 

I look up to see iskall circling above me. " Like my new elytra? " iskall yelled as he came in for the dive trying to land on my boat. I paddled left quickly making him end up in the water. 

" Really man? " Iskall said as he aperid from the wetness below. 

 " Yes really " I said back trying to hold in my laughter

" Well maybe now I don't want to give you your gift" Iskall laughed back. 

  " Gift?" I perked up. Mumbo can wait.

" Here" iskall said and gave me a shulker box. I opened it up. 

 " wow" I exclaimed. It was a shulker box full of iron gear and tools. " Thanks"

 " No problem" Iskall said, " I saw you were going over to mumbos so I thought you could put a word in about my Awesome iron farm"

" ok sure " I said still excited about the gear upgrade. 

" see you later grian" Iskall yelled as he took off. Wow I thought to myself. I started going through the gear and putting it on to show mumbo. Then I saw something that made me freeze. RIght there on one of the swords was blood. Player blood. There was no way it was a mob. Zombies normally leave flesh on the sword and spiders blood isn't crimson red. The blood looked fresh as it was still warm and wet. I looked around for help but it was just me in the middle of the ocean halfway between me and mumbo's base. I start to row back to my base. I heard a rocket earlier and if it was mumbo he's probably still at my base. I just sat there. Iskall wouldn't hurt someone would he? I know he's good at PvP but that's only if he has to or the other person agrees to fight. did someone else attack iskall. I froze in my seat. No no its ok I whispered remembering my past history again." This is a new server, new people , new everything. Not everything revolves around you grian. they are nice people that wouldn't hurt you. focus on the right now" I look up in tears to see an angry mumbo. I reach out to him in help but he just stares. I try asking him  why he's angry but he just stares at me. After a couple minutes he just walked off the boat into the deep ocean. " Mumbo" I screamed. I looked over the edge to see no signs of mumbo let alone life. I burst into tears again. "What is wrong with me, what did I do to deserve this, why" I get to my base and run inside ( or rather swim inside ) onto my bed. The blood, mumbo, everything felt as if it was against me. I change into dry clothes and lay on my bed. something's going on and i'm going to figure it out I thought as I close my eyes drifting back to sleep.

Hi I just want to say thank you for 109 views. 109. seriously that's a lot of views for a book like this. Thank you anyone who's read my book so far and I just put out an update schedule. Twice every thursday or once on tuesday and once on thursday if that makes sense. I hope you guys are enjoying the book so far and next chapter will be filled with way more excitement and should be my longest chapter so far. 

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