A whisker away

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Nakitai watashi wa neko wo kaburu is a Japanese anime movie which is being distributed by Netflix. The movie follows Miyo Sasaki, a cheerful and eccentric girl who always seems to happy and excited. Every evening after school she dons a 'Noh' mask,transforms into and goes to play with her crush from school, Hinode. Through this interaction with him, she slowly begins to learn what he is like. Through the course of this show, we learn Miyo's true feelings and who she truly is behind the 'mask' of a cheerful, eccentric person. This anime really does a great job of communicating the feelings of a teenager especially now a days when teens just have a lot going on. It shows us that there's more behind a smile or a frown. At a very young age,kids and teenagers have a lot to deal with. It is a time in your life where you don't know enough to be okay but also too much to not be. You have career aspirations but no idea how to fullfill them, you suddenly start to see and understand the problems in your life or the life of your friends and family and have no way to solve or deal with it. Through a fantasy tale of turning into cats and escaping life, this anime really communicates a lot which I really appreciate. Overall, it's engaging, has a purpose and a message which I feel it did a good job in saying what it wanted to while being entertaining. Happy I watched it and if you watch it I hope it makes you happy too!

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