Kamisama Hajimemashita

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More popularly known a Kamisama kiss, Kamisama Hajimemashita is a shojo anime which follows Nanami, a high schooler who has been abandoned by her father and end up becoming a 'toshi gami' or a land god. Due to this, she has to go reside in a shrine with a 'familiar' Tomoe, a fox yokai.
Now this anime isn't necessarily something with a deep meaningful message, atleast not until the 'kako hen' series but it is highly entertaining because of the way it has been made. For eg. at the beginning of every episode there is a recap of the previous episode which is narrated by kotetsu, a spirit who resides at the shrine and is honestly so well made, you don't feel like skipping it even if you're binging the series.
I personally enjoy this anime because I love the characters, I love Mizuki, Ami chan, Kurama and ofcourse Nanami and Tomoe.
In this anime, in each episode we see Nanami help people out in different episodes like other anime (Violet Evergarden,Kobato) so each episode or couple of episodes have a different arc. But the difference from those anime is that Kamisama kiss is more funny or just more of a comedy anime.
Now the romance in this anime is very cute but at first, it can feel like it's forced . Nanami starts liking Tomoe because he takes care of her as that's his job as her familiar. But because this happens early on in the series it's not as convincing but as time passes, we see their bond growing and Nanami and it becomes more convincing.
Engagement: 2.5/3
Characters: 2.5/3
Writing: 2/3
Uniqueness: 0.5/1
Total: 7.5/10

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