Gakuen babysitters

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Gakuen babysitters,is an anime that will make you go "Aww" in all the ways possible. The cuteness, the emotion, the endearing little characters. They'll all make you go "Aww". Probably one of the most adorable anime's I've ever watched.

The show follows two orphaned brothers Ryuich and Kotaro Kashima.After losing his parents in a plane crash, Ryuichi has to assume a parental role for Kotaro who is just 3. With no other place to go,they're taken in by the chairwoman of a prestigious school. Ryuichi is asked to join the 'Babysitter club' by the chaiwoman as a condition for taking him and his brother in.

As Ryichi starts his life at the babysitters club, he develops special bonds with all the adorable children there. It is simly delightful to see the daily lives of all the adorable babies.We get to understand about the psyche of little children.We often assume that they dont understand things, they won't understand our feelings if we try to hide them, but they do. They're more sensitive than we assume. Their love is unconditional, their innocence is priceless and their memories are gold.

Almost all our parents tell us stories from when we were young. Through this anime, we get to see such stories of babies and they will make your day. If you're are looking for something lighthearted to watch or if you're feeling llow and wanna be cheered up, give this anime a shot!

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