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Who are we?

 Our thoughts?

 Our actions?

Our body?

In the simulation theory, we are simulations. This theory states that everything from our Universe to all our counciousness's is a simulation. HELLO WORLD explores the idea of such a simulation at a much smaller scale.

Naomi, a high schooler, a book lover and a person who is often left out of the social interactions around gets a chance at love. This Naomi is however, is a part of Alltale, a simulation of Kyoto in 2027. Naomi is visited by his future and real self from 10 years later. This future Naomi, or "Sensei', tells him that he has 3 months to save his girlfriends, his love. Hello world is the story of Naomi, sensei and how they save their love.

HELLO WORLD , through its beautiful CG animation, beautiful soundtrack and beautifully written characters, will draw you into the movie and make you care about a simulation. Naomi, our protagonist is so easy to understand, you truly feel connected to him. Since the movie is in his perspective most of the time, this makes the movie easy to understand as well which in turn, makes it more engaging. 

Since we are aware that Naomi isn't real (obviously, hes a character, but still), why do we care? Who is he to us and who are we?

I think, this movie shows us that we are capsules of our memories and emotions. It is our perceived ideas of reality,that form our memories, and our emotions, that is us.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2020 ⏰

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