Chapter 9 - Aliya

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As soon as Bilal and his wife left our house, Hajiya and I went to the dining room to eat dinner. "Seriously, Aliya, I don't know why they insisted on going despite having been told to stay and dine with us" Hajiya said as she pulled a chair and sat in it. "They should have at least eat a little bit before leaving, or what do you think?" She wrinkled a brow.

"Why do you bother about them?" I asked as I sat in the opposite chair. "They clearly don't trust us that's why they shrugged our offer..."

"Come on, Aliya!" She glared at me. "Stop that kind of assumption, it's really not good okay?"

"Okay, okay..." I said and began serving us.

"So, tomorrow you are going to BLD right?" She said as soon as I was done serving her.

"Yes, as you insist" I said serving myself.

"Hmm" She giggled shaking her head. "Aliya are you angry with me or what?" She asked.

"I am not angry with anybody" I uttered and began eating my food. It was spaghetti and some vegetables, and also fish. Yummy! 😄

"Your seems to be angry" She said.

"No, I'm not" I pretended.

"Alright then" She said and began eating her own food, she was as fast as I had predicted.

After the meal, I cleared the table because I didn't want to stress Balaraba. She had been working since morning. Sometimes I used to wonder if I could ever be as workaholic as she was when I get married. Not that I didn't love work, it's just that I could easily get tired and it was because of my weight. Talking about getting married, I was still 'yet' to settle for it. And even after settling for it, I would have to chose the right person for myself first before thinking about it. The person shouldn't have to be perfect but should at least be presentable, Godfearing, responsible, and understanding. I preferred the said qualities.

"Goodnight, Hajiya" I said heading upstairs.

"Sweet dreams!" She said and concentrated her attention more in the tv, she loved films - especially Hausa, Spanish (with subtitle), and English dubbed Filipino telenovelas.

The moment I was finally in my room, I went to the bathroom and performed ablution before coming out and observing my Isha prayer on my prayer mat. After the prayer, I changed into my nightwear, said my bedtime prayers and slept as exhausted as I practically was.


The following day after preparing myself for BLD, Hajiya dropped me there and then drove off to her store after having told me to compose myself and not to act selfish. Her belief was that God wanted me to have the job that was why He brought Bilal and his wife to our house, but my belief was that everything was just coincidence. Yes, nothing special about it!

"Welcome back, madam" Said the friendly security man by the entrance of the company, the same man that had wholeheartedly welcomed me on my first visit to the place two days ago. "Do you also need an escort today?" He asked wearing a broad smile.

"No, thank you. I really appreciate it sir" I said as I gently walked into the gate with my files hugged by my chest.

"The pleasure is always mine, madam" He said.

"Hmm, alright. See you later" I uttered.

"Okay ma" He said.

Hence I headed towards the main building. I walked to the elevator and pressed the last floor's button which, like I once said, is 25. The moment I arrived there I walked to the receptionist who by seeing me recognized me. We greeted and after that she placed a call through the intercom on her table and then asked me to follow her which I did. She took me back to the elevator and thus down to the 13th floor. "I am taking you to the General Manager's office" She said as we walked through the hallway.

"Alright ma" I nodded as if she was looking at me. Actually, she was the one in the front - leading the way.

Immediately we reached the office, she knocked and then walked me inside. I had thought the General Manger was a man but then I found a chubby dark-skinned woman relaxed in her desk while sipping what seemed to be coffee. "Here she is, ma" Said the receptionist.

"Good morning, ma" I greeted the woman.

"Morning, come and sit here please" She uttered pointing at one of the two visitors' chairs in front of her.

"Thank you, ma" I said and did as she said.

"You are welcome" She said to me and then looked up to the receptionist that brought me in. "You can go, Cassandra"

"Alright ma" The receptionist said and then left.

"Can I see your document?" The woman said as she stretched her hand towards me.

"Here, ma" I gave it to her.

And while she went through it, I began looking around the office to keep myself busy and to feed my eyes some new information. The office was wide and different awards could be seen on a bookshelf some feet away from her, she must have been working in the company for long and had achieved so much for it.

Could I even do the same, for this company? I doubt so because circumstances has changed the way which I used to view the company. Now, I see it as a bunch of garbage controlled by some arrogant guys in the top floor. God, why did you have to make Hajiya to force me to accept the job after the humiliation I had faced here two days ago? I mulled over.

When the woman was done looking at my document, she used the scanner on her desk to scan the needed ones into her Laptop before returning the file to me. "You are welcome to BLD Construction Company, dear Aliya" She smiled at me.

"Thank you, ma" I managed to smile back.

"It's my pleasure. I just hope that you enjoy your stay with us and also be of utmost advantage to this company. My name is Amirah Abdul-Rahman and I am the General Manager of this company" She said and then gave me a hand for a shake - which we did. "You can go home now, your work starts tomorrow. I will guide you through when you come"

"Thank you ma" I said as I amicably stood and bade her goodbye before leaving the office.

As soon as I walked out of the building and was heading towards the gate, my eyes landed on a car as it drove in and guess what? The person in the back seat lowered his glass and the next thing I saw was Bilal - staring at me with a gaze I couldn't just explain. This man, was he always this bold? I asked myself before turning my eyes away and walking away.

Even if I go home, I wouldn't have anything doing so I took a taxi to Hajiya's store. She was surprised to see me, she really thought my work started today - I had to explain everything to her, it wasn't quite simple as she thought. That day, I learned some new things again in her store about jewelries and gold. And after closing, we drove back home.


AsSalama Alaykum everyone, how are we today and how's the preparation for the eid? May Allah spare our lives to witness it in good health. Ameen Ya Rabbil Alameen💖

I can't wait for my Barka Da Sallah o!

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