An Enigmatic Encounter

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Since I enjoyed writing a self-insert so much I am excited to begin this new self-insert with me as the main character (Maria) and Ville as the male protagonist <3 thank you for all the love, likes, votes, and support. Being an archeologist was one of my biggest was not so...Here it goes...

It was a rainy day in Helsinki Finland, the pitter pater of the rain tapped against the windows of the old antique shop. It had been re-opened recently and its dusty tomes and rarities stared at customers from amongst the shelves, as they perused quietly through the store.

Emilia the store assistant and pupil to Dr. A stood at the front desk helping clients with whatever questions they may have. Dr. A loved to greet clients herself but as usual, her day was full of projects her team had been sent on by order of the Archaeological Society of Finland.

 A loved to greet clients herself but as usual, her day was full of projects her team had been sent on by order of the Archaeological Society of Finland

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Dr. A. had worked hard to get her degree from the University of Helsinki after transferring from the states. It had taken a lot of work to be accepted by society, but now here she was working part-time at an antique shop that sold books and some replicas which she had opened due to her love of history. "I quite forgot what the time period for this set of Futhark runes is, I am trying really hard Dr.," Emilia said for the third time that day, as she approached Dr. A with a customer behind her.

 A with a customer behind her

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Dr. A smiled, Emilia reminded her of a time when she was young, anxious but eager to learn, she could not lose her temper with the girl. "It was first used by Germanic tribes darling, start from there," she said looking up from the runes she herself was transcribing and annotating with footnotes in her paper.

"Thank you Dr. I think I recall now," Emilia said turning to the excited customer who seemed interested in making the purchase.

Oddly enough Dr. A was transcribing those runes herself, they had found some carvings in a nearby ruin and some roughly made futhark runes carved out of oak wood. The door opened yet again as another customer walked in while Emilia showed her customer to the cash register.

 The door opened yet again as another customer walked in while Emilia showed her customer to the cash register

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"I'll get it dear," Dr. A stated as she got up to stretch. She often forgot to care for herself and sometimes she spent hours poring over old texts and languages so having this shop allowed her to socialize with the community and stretch her legs a bit. Though Dr. Maria A. was quite young her overabundance of work left her feeling drained.

Dr. Maria walked up to the front counter to be ready in case anyone needed advice she stood there for a while as she finished seeing an elderly couple and was looking through the log which she kept with comments from guests at the front door when she heard a deeply accented Finnish male voice next to her "I am interested in this taxidermy owl set, it says price upon request so how much am I looking at?" he said.

 Maria walked up to the front counter to be ready in case anyone needed advice she stood there for a while as she finished seeing an elderly couple and was looking through the log which she kept with comments from guests at the front door when she...

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Dr. Maria turned to look at him and almost thought he had walked out of one of her paintings. His perfect high cheekbones and perfectly defined jaw were adorned by unfathomably deep green eyes which were a mix between the color of the sky and green meadows, the color of spring, adorned by Macassar ebony curls the color of oak trees in a deep forest meadow.

His skin was strikingly pale and luminescent, and his lips were lush, pink, and full

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His skin was strikingly pale and luminescent, and his lips were lush, pink, and full. Maria snapped out of her trance, the man might have been insanely beautiful but her gawking was unprofessional and no doubt terrifying him.

"Oh, those?" Dr. A said trying to keep her cool, "I am looking at around 1298.88 Euros for the set," she stated, "I knew the owner, these snowy owls were his life, he couldn't bear to part with them, so he did this to make them stay beside him, but seeing them every day was unbearable pain and so he decided to donate them, he passed some time ago and donated his land to charity," she added.

"I see, that is tragic, I would be glad to take them, I have a love for owls," he added an empathetic look in his eyes.

"Would you want to leave payment or?" Maria said trying to remain calm he had an evocative oceanic scent about him "I will pay the full price today," he said. Dr. A. nodded and called Emily to package the item for him. All the while she was trying to avoid his haunting gaze.

"Are you the new owner? I missed this shop it had been closed for some time," he said. Maria took a deep breath, why was he making her so nervous, she usually had no trouble talking to men, they had no effect on her, yet this man.

"Yes I am my uncle knew the older gentleman in charge and he passed it on to him, but since my uncle is busy with his surgical work in a hospital for children in the states, he gave the keys to me upon my graduation," she said. She had no idea why she was able to open up with him like this, she never had before.

"That's wonderful I hope it works out for you," he said extending his hand "My name Is Ville, and you will be seeing me around I assure you, I have a love for history," he said smiling. God his smile was like a shot through her heart " will be my pleasure, we are here to serve, I may not always be here as I am busy with my career, but this part-time job is important to me, so I suppose we will run into each other at times," Maria said.

"I hope so too, I love to meet those with a love for the strange and unusual," Ville said his voice soft, sending shivers down her spine, it was honey and wine to her ears.

"Oh Emilia dear what took you so long!" Maria said not wanting to get on her case but feeling like she needed water and some fresh air. "I am sorry I just forgot where we kept the boxes for the extra delicate stuff," she said as she giggled at Ville blushing, as she charged him and packed the owl set for him.

Maria could not blame her he was, mesmerizingly haunting. "Part of your payment today will go to the archeological foundation to help fund further research and aid the local children's hospital thank you, and hope to see you soon!" Emilia said as Ville waved at her and Maria and walked out, leaving both of them breathless.

"He is so obviously taken," Emilia said sighing as he walked off. Maria sighed hating the fact that he had made her nervous so easily, Ville's energy was electric and enchanting, but she had no time for daydreaming, an interest in the opposite sex even if platonic was out of the question....she had work to do....yet she could not help but shiver....she had never seen someone so beautiful in her whole life...not even in old paintings.

Thanks if you are here!

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