Destiny or Fate?

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Angel belongs to

Dr. A is actually Maria it's the initial my last name starts with :D

Maria's eyes scanned the pictures that were sent to her by the lab. They had found some strange-looking bones in a ruin in Manyikeni, Mozambique. It was an old site whose history dated back to the seventeenth century.

It was a careful and delicate process and decoding the history of the artifacts and bones found there were from

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It was a careful and delicate process and decoding the history of the artifacts and bones found there were from. It was going to take some time to do so. After that, she still had to write down her footnotes and paper and send the work back to the lab. It had to be cross-examined by the team and forwarded to the archeological society.

It was grueling work all of the time, but Maria found that she needed to bury herself. It gave her that escape from reality that she needed. Yet she found herself thinking more about Ville. He was like a soft light falling through the cracks of the darkest ruin. He was the moon raining upon an ancient temple filled with wonders. He was the one mystery she could not decipher. It was starting to drive her crazy.

What if Angel was right? What if she gave herself a chance with him? In her heart, she shook her head. She knew that she did not want anyone to pin her wings down, yet she wanted to fly beside her, someone willing to soar along with her spirit. Was Ville the one she had been waiting for?

She shook her head, trying to clear her mind. Maria had too much on her mind to add more to her plate of worries. "Almost done with this sample, we will move forward to the next specimens as planned," Maria said. Her team nodded and continued to prod and prick at the delicate fragments of history in front of them.

It took a long time to decode, label, bag, and send the pieces to the archeological society, and she still had to write her paper and footnotes. It would be a long night, and she had to get up early to open the shop. It took her several hours to compile her data into a well-done paper, annotated and detailed in every word sense.

"Well, I think that will mean I will open late tomorrow," she said, yawning. All of this coffee was going to mean a restless night. Thankfully it was not that late, and one of her favorite haunts should be open. She liked to jog and or walk along the Töölönlahti Bay. It had a wonderful view of the bay, lush green gardens, and a place called the Winter Garden. It was where she liked to go when she needed to decompress by watching birds or taking a route and the historical cabins that adorned the place.

Töölönlahti Bay

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Töölönlahti Bay

Maria sighed as she came to a halt after some time of walking. Some tourists were still around, but if something she loved about Helsinki, everyone kept to themselves. Maria looked up at the night sky as she sat pondering if it was time to go home. She often valued these small moments of peace. As much as she loved her job, it was important to ground herself. She took off her shoes and walked barefoot on the grass to make sure not to step where she should not. There was something about the earth beneath her feet that made her body feel revitalized.

"You should really wear shoes, darling," a voice said, startling her. How she had managed to run into him was really strange. "Are you keeping tabs on me? How is it we are running into each other again at random, Mr. Valo?" Maria said grinning mischievously. As nervous as she was, her heart was, of course, pitter-pattering. Ville stood up from the bench he had been sitting on before spotting her walking towards the grass.

"Oh, you mean stalking," Ville giggled, walking towards her. "Of course not, I hate stalkers myself, as corny as it sounds, maybe it is that destiny keeps making us bump into each other," Ville said. "Do you believe in such things?" Maria added, facing him, and of course, he left her breathless, "Who am I to say if it does exist or not, sweetheart? If not, maybe it's fate?" Ville said.

It was then that Maria noticed how beautiful he looked with the moonlight shining down on him. She gulped, "I believe in facts, Mr. Valo," she said, trying not to get more nervous. "Facts....well, although I am a realist and most of my life and work are based on factual circumstances, we should leave a place for magic, don't you think," Ville said, his beautiful green eyes mesmerizing her.

"I...I suppose," Maria said blushing. "But aside from that, what are you doing out here tonight...I mean....pardon me, obviously, it's none of my business," Maria said, stuttering. "I am like you are, I assume decompressing, nature does something to me, and this is one of my favorite spots," Ville added. "Oh...I see well it's one of mine too," Maria said, "I thought you would be off doing your digging or research," Ville said, pulling out a cig and offering her one politely.

Maria shook her head, politely. "I was a long day, and I had pent-up energy, so I had to take a walk, have to sleep, tomorrow I have to be at the shop," Maria added.

"Do you ever take a break, darling?" Ville asked. "I will, I try not too best not to have too much time on my hands," Maria responded. " long as you don't end up hospitalized, I used to work that way...almost ended up in the hospital ER," Ville added. "Not that I don't admire your work ethic, but..." he added. "I...I try to take time for self-care, but I suppose I could learn to relax a little," Maria said, blushing at his concern.

She then realized she had no idea where Ville worked. "So...if you don't mind me asking, what is your profession?" Maria asked curiously. Ville looked at her, smiling, making her knees shake, "Why don't I show you," he said, pulling out an envelope. "I had planned to give this to you at the shop," he added, responding to her confused expression.

"Promise me you'll be there," he said as Maria, quite confused, took the envelope from him. It had an address. "You like puzzles, right?" Ville said, leaning towards her and making her shiver. Maria looked into his beautiful soulful eyes glimmering with mischief and felt herself drowning in them. "I hope you like this one once you decide to solve it," Ville added. Maria blushed. He was so close she could smell the baltic ocean on him. It was intoxicating.

Ville stood back, leaving her red-faced as she tried to regain her composure, "Now, unless you want to stay here a while, could I walk you home?" Ville said. Maria blushed. They had barely been on one date, well erm....more of an impromptu date, which she had loved.

"I...I suppose, but...please don't get the wrong idea I am a lady in all regards," Maria added. "I am sure you are," Ville replied, smiling as he finished the cigarette off.

They hailed a cab and talked a bit more on the way as she tried to poke and prod at what the address was. Ville kept her at bay, throwing seductive glances her way and pointing out some of his favorite haunts as they passed them.

"This is me," Maria said as they arrived at her small apartment. "Lovely place," Ville remarked as he opened the door to the cab for her and stood at her doorstep, waiting for her to walk inside. "I enjoyed it even if it was small, random, and brief," Ville said. "As for the puzzle, I hope to plan it out, to be even more memorable if you let me," he added, and taking her hand, he kissed it.

Maria's breath left her; his lips were soft. "I...Sure," she said, blushing as she walked into her place, her heart racing. Why was this happening....could she be falling for him...

Ville stood outside her door until her light went off, wondering why his heart was racing, and why once more he wanted to hunt and capture a heart closed and bleeding, to heal it with love and care.

Thanks if you are here!

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