Reach The Stars....

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This might be the final chapter of this story

Maria was living in her own personal heaven with Ville. She was overjoyed to be living with him, sharing everything with her soulmate. For that is what he was to her, a part of her that completed her in every sense. Today was the day of Angel's first race, too, and they were looking forward to it.

Angel had been battling her own demons, fearing the track it had taken her several panic attacks and meditations to get over her aversion to racing. If it had not been for Alexi, she would not be here holding her steering wheel about to embark upon her first race in years.

Ville, Alexi, Maria, Mige, Janne, and the rest of the band were there to cheer them on. Even Sir Kari and Lady Anita had come over, and he had a passion for cars. Angel closed her eyes and took a deep breath. The car she had now was designed to be the same car that she had used all her life, the one she had raced in, Alexi had offered to help her customize a new one, but part of letting go of the trauma was facing it in raw.

As the alarm and buzz sounded and Angel took off blazing, Maria and the others cheered from the benches, praying silently that she would make it through. Seeing her friend battling her fear made Maria realize that she could not give up on her dreams no matter what had occurred. Alexi had his heart in his throat the whole time, but he had absolute trust in his doll that she would make it.

Each lap completed was a new breath of life for Angel, as she felt the tires go through every ridge in the track. She overtook her competitors, always taking deep breaths but enjoying herself. She had decided that she would no longer "Fear the Reaper" to face all of her fears because her life was so filled with people who loved her and believed in her. She felt powerful and free, and she recalled why she loved this profession so much.

It was her soul essence the same way history was the soul essence in her friend's heart. They both had been blessed with being able to work for their passions and live with their soulmates, nothing could hold them back, nay only death, but even that was not to be thought of because they had a lot to live for.

Angel had not expected to come in first. As Alexi rushed to hold her as she was given the trophy, tears of relief, ran down her eyes, as Maria and Ville group hugged her, happy to see her alive, that spark in her eyes was unmistakable. "I am so proud of you. You are the best thing in my life," Alexi said, making her blush. "It's all because of you, crazy fanboy!" Angel said, "Right back at ya!" Alexi grinned, making her smack him playfully as they gave each other a rather passionate congratulatory kiss. "I am gonna need a care team manager up for the job?" Angel replied, "I was hoping you'd ask," Alexi said, holding her close.

"I think this calls for a party!" Janne stated, "I agree!" Alexi added as they headed off to celebrate Angel's accomplishment. "I told you it was foolish to leave it," Maria told her as they sat in a limo rented by Alexi for the gang. "I hope you do not give up on your dreams either," Angel replied. "After seeing you out there today, I will never give up," Maria added.

The party was filled with joy, relief, and a sense of accomplishment. Everyone was off doing their own thing, but all were celebrating Angel's new life. It hurt to find out via some individuals talking to Maria, but apparently, Jack had been killed and stabbed to death in jail, and Alexandre was facing extra charges, being as they had been part of her life, it was quite a shock.

As if sensing her distress at the news in a place where she should only be smiling, Ville held Maria close, "No matter what mysteries lie in this world, I know one thing," Ville said, pulling Maria close as they sat at the open bar, where everyone was celebrating Angel's victory, "What is that Mr. Valo?" Maria said jokingly she knew he did not like that formality. "I want to solve all of them with you by my side," he added. "I want that too every rune in your heart, my Slavic prince," she said, making him blush and giggle.

Nothing could be more perfect...WildChildMary

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