Dreams and Fire

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I am eternally thankful

The next Chapter is up

It was the same dark dream, filled with fire, smoke, and ashes. Angel could not stop the car. She could not figure out why her baby was not responding to her as it usually did. 

Then she felt it the car crashing into her; it was Dale Earnhardt Jr. that had crashed into her vehicle. Angel managed to roll out onto the concrete as the car caught fire and spewed flames from hell all over, the screams of the other drivers, the pain radiating through her body, it was all too much, too real again, she screamed, waking up from the darkest nightmare of her life, screaming. 

Angel woke up with a cold sweat, she had fallen asleep in her garage at work, and it was dark. How late was it? She must have been exhausted. She hated those dreams. She needed a smoke a bar, something to get it out of her head. She headed out to the local pub, it was a cold and dreary night, and a crescent moon was out. 

Angel sat there looking into her glass, wanting to forget. A pair of blue eyes spotted her as he sat at the bar. The night had been restless for him, too. She had been on his mind. Now seeing her in the flesh, looking worn out and worried, he approached her, "Are you ok?" he asked, concerned waking her up out her haziness "Oh, Alexi! I.. am ok just worked late needed a drink," she said shaking, she did not want to fall asleep often her nightmares would replay if she closed her eyes.

"I don't think you are, want to come over to my table to talk?" Alexi asked. "I...sure, but it's just silly, nightmares keeping me up," Angel said. "I don't think a girl like you stays up due to any "silly" nightmare," Alexi said, his blue eyes somber. 

"Its the accident, isn't it?" he asked. Angel wept into Alexi's shoulder. It was hard to live with these constant nightmares and know that she could never go back to racing. She was traumatized and hurt, "Listen to me, fairy," he said endearingly to her as she poured her heart out the alcohol and her adoration for Alexi, allowing her to vent.

"What? and I am no freaking sparkling fairy!" Angel said, pouting, making him grin. "Ok, then little she-devil..." he added, "I for years I wondered what had hurt you so bad, why you had quit, and I can take you to show you something, I had hoped that maybe it could help, because..." he added. "I want to help you my, muse," he said, whispering into her ear. 

Angel shivered. Was he messing around with her? What could he possibly want to show her? It was the same down to the letters and colors, to the rims, and wheels, to the hood, and windows, the COB symbols and letters, it was her baby. 

She had sold the replica years ago, the real one had crashed and burned in the accident, but now she knew who had bought it. Angel's mouth gaped open as they stood in Alexi's garage, "I was there that horrible day...I was devastated...but I knew," he said. "I knew that you could never give up...so I bought this as a symbol that one day you would come back," he said.

Angel's eyes filled with tears, not believing this, "I... I dont know what to say," she said, "I think if you are brave enough, we could try it instead and let the road do the talking," Alexi said. "Let me be with you, set your heart free, and you have been imprisoned in fear for too long," he added.

 Angel gulped, unsure if she could handle this, but her spirit as crushed as it leaped at his words. He believed in her all this time, just as his music had saved her, his words had impacted her, and now this... "I need time....this is wow," she said. "I understand," Alexi said. 

"I'll be here for you if you let me," he added, holding her by the waist, turning her to face him. "Only if you kiss me," Angel said boldly, and Alexi, who had been wondering when she would let him do just that, kissed her so passionately, she ended up on the hood of her car, Alexi crawling over her.

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