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Lyrics belong to Ville Hermanni Valo and HIM

Angel belongs to WildChildMary

The day of her impromptu date with Ville was approaching, and Maria was dying of nerves...

"I need you to help me....you know why I stopped dating, how do I get out of this? why did I even say yes?" Maria said to her friend Angel over lunch. They were sitting in Angel's kitchen in her small loft on the outskirts of Espoo. "Hell if I know! but if the guy is anywhere as hot as Alexi Laiho from COB, I do not blame you," she replied. "His name is Ville Valo and-" Maria said before Angel cut her off, "VILLE FREAKING VALO THE FINNISH SEX SYMBOL!" she exclaimed.

"I have no idea what you are talking about," Maria said, "he is an incredibly beautiful and polite man, and as far as him being a sex symbol, I can see how he would be, but I know nothing about him, how do you know him?" Maria asked. "I am bringing in some stuff, I have some things to do, but I will drop it off at your shop next week. " Angel replied, "Yes, of course," Maria stated still confused inside her own thoughts.

"Listen, I am not forcing you to date him, but take a chance to go out this once, I am sure you are tired of working all day, and I hate to see you punishing yourself," Angel added.

"You are one to talk. What about your racing?" Maria retorted, "That! is different. I was in an accident, you, on the other hand, were in a controlling relationship, and I hate the fact that you are afraid of meeting someone because you think they are all going to be the same and that your commitment issues will pop up," Angel said, sipping on her Jack Daniels, how she managed to drink in the middle of the afternoon and be sober was beyond Maria's understanding.

"I am afraid it is not so different....but yes...I am scared of feeling as if I will be hurt again... the relationship with Alexandre left me very scared, and I promised myself not to do it again," Maria said, admiring the collection of bottles Angel had. They were history in themselves.

"I still think that If what I have heard about him and the way he talks in interviews that he is a sweet guy, not to mention smoking hot," Angel replied. Maria sighed, trying to come up with any excuse to bail out, but she wanted to get to know him in her heart. He was like an ancient textbook, mysterious and beautiful, but never fully transparent. He was intoxicating.

"Only if you help me get some clothes, I only have work and exercise ones, threw out everything else," Maria added. "Deal, let's go get you some sexy underwear, who knows? You might get lucky," Angel sniggered.

"You know I am not going with that intention. I am doing this to see how it feels, to hang out with someone of the opposite sex at least for once," Maria said, blushing.

"Boooring, I want you to have fun, but you are your own woman, as am I, so let's go get you some stuff," Angel added as Maria hesitating, followed her to the mall.

Angel and Maria finally managed to pick out some cute casual clothes. Maria did not want to spend much as she was not even sure this would work out. "You will be fine, just relax, and I'll ask you all about it when we meet up," Angel replied as they hugged and parted ways.

Maria tried to immerse herself in her research the hours before the date. Preparing herself for it was harder than she thought. She had picked cute clothes with Angel's help, but she felt as if she was too forward. What if he too her boldness as "too much," she thought. On top of that, she was only seeing him as a friend. Dating her was out of the question. She had suffered enough at the hands of her ex.

She wore a pair of tight denim waist-high jeans and a small dark blue blouse with short off-the-shoulder sleeves, paired with some black mini boots and little to no makeup. She let her hair fall over her shoulders.

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