Passion and Perseverance

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Maria was not quite sure where Ville was taking her. He had been quite secretive about it. She tried to see if, by any chance, Angel knew about it. Still, she was so busy focusing on her racing that she was not aware apparently of whatever the enigmatic man was planning.

"I am taking you to a place that is important to me, and that I hope will be to your liking, and well, that I am hoping you find interesting," Ville said. Maria's curiosity grew. Even if she was still feeling quite down from what had happened, it was as if destiny had placed her with people who could pull her out of the void she had spiraled into. She had been purposely drowning herself in work to avoid feeling. But here was Ville trying to make her feel better again, tugging at her curiosity, knowing that it was there.

"Close your eyes, we are almost there," Ville said as Maria reluctantly did so. The cab stopped, and Ville prompted her to wait to open the door for her and to pull her small luggage out. He had refused to let her bring her own car, as he said this was a getaway. The car would tempt her to flee back to work, so no cell phone, no computer, just her and her bare essentials for this week. He hoped it did not sound like he was controlling; he really wanted her to get away from her increasing stagnation.

"May I?" Maria asked impatiently as Ville stood beside her as she opened her eyes and gaped. "What? What is this place?" she said, looking at the ancient tower in front of her. It was adorned with a garden and a strange round metallic structure. It was surrounded by a gate "it's a tower from the 1800s but it's also my dear home, welcome darling. I hope to give you a tour," Ville said as she stood there agape.

"It' such a magnificent piece of lost history...I mean...I have not been feeling very passionate lately....but..." Maria said, twiddling her thumbs. "It's all yours to explore...and I don't just mean me," Ville said, giggling, making her almost trip. Finding her shy demeanor adorable, he added, "As long as you promise to spend some time with me and you promise to smile again," Ville said.

Maria looked at him, the love in her eyes so blatant that she surprised him with a kiss and a hug, "I...will..I'll try...this is..thank you so much," Maria said, crying she had been holding back for so long. "Shall we go in?" Ville said he did not want random photos and or people sneaking upon him and his lady as they walked into his house, closing the gate behind him.

Maria took notes of everything under the sun, promising Ville she would not publish unless he allowed her to. He was so happy to see her glowing again, but it was not only the tower that had made her so happy, it was the intention behind him bringing her here. He was so sweet trying to spend time with her. Even if he had not had this tower in his possession, she was sure he would have tried anything to cheer her up.

" did you come across the tower? I mean, not so many can be so lucky as to live in a place with so much history," she said. "I guess just chance; research brought me here, the last owner was a designer and sculptor, it just drew me in, being a hermit and all," Ville said. "Well, then, you are quite lucky. If you ever decide to move, please do allow people to come and take pictures, or to document on this tower, pieces of the past like this should not be lost," Maria pined.

"I will think about that," Ville said, grinning." I don't mind people taking pictures from the outside. Still, I won't just let anyone come in here; I value my privacy," Ville added. "I completely understand, therefore, thank you ever so much for allowing me to be here," Maria said. "I just wanted to see you smile again. I know it's been hard, with everything, but..."Ville said, sighing.

"I wanted us to reconnect and have a space tied to your personality, where you can meditate and be yourself," "Thanks, thank you so much!" Maria replied, "Well, don't thank me so much, part of it was a selfish desire to have you here with me for some time," Ville added. "Sneaky so and so..." Maria said, giggling, "I hope you don't mind, "Ville replied, smirking, "Of course not!" Maria replied, and they cuddled for the rest of the evening.

The rest of the week was filled with peace. Maria had the whole tower to herself, and Ville was happy to let her explore. They would watch movies, listen to music, dance, read books, cook together, and even play chess and other board games. However, current events were still looming over her little by little. She allowed herself to forgive not only herself but the world in general, though not to forget.

"I haven't felt this relaxed in such a long time," Maria said, smiling. "I am glad you are feeling better, darling; I enjoy having you here, though," Ville added, sliding close to her as they sat on the couch. "I would want to be closer though if you let me," Ville said, his eyes sparkling with starlight emerald beauty." too," Maria said, her dark brown eyes shining under the gaze of her dearest. "Will you give in?" Ville whispered. Though the ancient runes in his Slavic heart were still a mystery to her, and he was still the only one she could not decipher, she nodded, kissing him. For all she knew is that in the mysteries of love, there was not a written book.

They lay breathing in each other's scent, glistening with sweat and blushing deeply. No words had been said as they had made love, only Maria and Ville knew what each moment had meant to them. Their union was a dance of old souls, an orchestra of lost scripts too ancestral to imagine. "I love you," Maria said, afraid that she would scare him, yet she could not help herself, it was as if she had kept those words in for so long "I love you too, sweetheart," Ville said. "I know this was probably not how you imagined it, but I thought it was perfect," he added. "It was beyond amazing, Ville," Maria said. He blushed, seeing that she was not using his surname. It felt too formal at times, and he ached at a deeper connection.

"I can't tell you to quit your job, but promise me you will be safe," Ville said. "I promise," Maria replied, "I would want to see you here with me every day, but I am afraid to ask...." Ville added. "If you wish it to be so...but, I was afraid to ask," Maria replied. "Then, it is done...I can help you move in. The sooner, the better....we have a race to attend," Ville said, smiling, "Oh yes!" Maria replied she was looking forward to seeing her friend race down the track again, "Then what are we waiting for? Let's get stuff ready. I need my lady close to me," Ville said, sending shivers down her spine.

Thanks to WildChildMary

For lending me Angel

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