Lost Faith and Reunions

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The more Jack thought about it, the harder he knew it would be to catch her off her guard; she was cautious in getting too close and kept an eye on him at all times. The only way to do this was via a hostage situation, but he had to relieve her of all of her sharp items at first.

"Is Samantha able to walk?" Maria said, waking him from his plotting, "Oh yes...she is thankfully..." he said, smiling. "I am so glad," Rosalyn commented as they followed him down a set path of corridors that seemed to be moving in directions too confusing for their tired minds to recall. "We are almost there," Jack said, turning a corner where Samantha sat looking in fear at them but still alive, "See, I found them," Jack said as a matter of fact as Samantha rushed to hug Maria and Rosalyn. "Where is Marcus? The others?" she said desperately. Maria could not help but notice her eyes would avoid Jack.

"They are....well...we are the only ones left, I am so sorry," Maria said her heart breaking as Samantha broke down. She and Marcus had begun to date recently, and this was horrible news. Maria silently urged Rosalyn to not delve into how he was during his final hours. It would be too much to bear.

"And now that we are all here, why don't we take a rest? We can think better that way, Dr.," Jack said. "I feel that sleeping here is not a smart idea, but...we can take turns as soon as we feel better we can try to find our way back to the front," Maria replied. "I agree," Rosalyn said. She looked dead tired. "Then, we will rest. I will take the first post as the leader," Maria said, and the others complied.

This was perfect the chance ripe for him to get her unawares and force her to sign or kill her, though he had realized that killing her might prove to be detrimental, however, if he got her to sign a document admitting it was all her fault and making her resign from her position, giving Jack all the authority and credit for the future. It would please Alexandre and still benefit him.

The stillness around her and the fact that everyone seemed to have dozed off placed Maria in a meditative state, where she tried to forgo all of the guilt she felt for the moment. She needed to get them out of here no matter what....and despite the consequences lying ahead, she needed to move forward....her eyes closed, she sat there trying to stay awake and alert even if she was not aware of the fact that Jack was standing above her as he silently had sneaked beside her pointing a hidden gun at her.

"If you make any sudden moves, Dr., I will kill Rosalyn and Samantha or even you....but if you make me a promise....then I will not follow orders and kill you.....I will instead make a deal with you...now don't be dumb, I have taken all the tools of self-defense, you dozed off for a second there, and I tied the girls up....and gagged them, now turn around slowly, and you won't get hurt" Jack said to Maria's shock.

When had he become a traitor, "Who sent you? did you? what is the meaning of this, Jack?" Maria said, turning slowly, afraid to make him keep his promise as he had indeed gagged and tied the girls who were now awakening to a frightful scene. "I also suggest you tell them to shut up," he said. "Please, girls, I know you are scared, but I will take care of this, please....but Jack, why! why did you?" Maria said, trying to comfort her pupils while staring at one betraying her with a gun pointed at her face.

"I cannot divulge that information, but I can make you a deal, Dr. if you take all of the blame for what happened here and give me the information gathered and hand over your position to me, I will let you all go and live on....one wrong move, and you all will die, and I will make it out...after all, planning that cave-in was not that hard," he said smirking.

"YOU! you did that! Did you plan the cave-in? But why? Jack, for what purpose? You had everything ahead of you?" Maria said, trying to reason with him. "No, I did not. I was always going to be second to you....and only Alexandre understood that" Jack said then flinched angrily he had spoken too much.

"Alexandre?" Maria said tears running down her face. "What does he have to do with anything he is no archaeologist?" she added. "Don't ask me... he has a grudge against you, that is all I know, and the only way you are getting out is if you agree...either way, I plan to besmirch your name and kill you off if you try anything," Jack said, "And don't try anything, I have done this so many times before, living on the streets gives you guts" he added pressing the gun to her forehead. The girls softly weeping behind him, softened her heart.

"If I agree to your terms...how do I know you won't just kill us," Maria said. "Believe me, running your career will be enough for my boss, as for me I could care less about anything but glory, now...you either promise to sign a paper here, admitting it's your fault and giving me all the rights to this, stating I was the only one who tried to stop you from even initiating this excavation or," he said pressing the gun to her temple "I can blow another small mine off after I kill you and bury you all in here," he said his face angry and bitter.

Maria looked into his young face and blue eyes, wondering where it had gone all wrong, how Alexandre had influenced him, why was he still chasing her, and yet she knew there was no way out of this dead or not at least it was a chance "I promise, I will sign but only after you lead us out," she said.

"And have you accuse me?" Jack laughed, "I do not think so...sign that paper near that box first, and then I will use the device I have been keeping and call them and get us out," Jack replied. Maria's eyes filled with regret and anger, and sorrow did as she was told.

Each letter hurt, but she knew this was the only way out. "I have it all signed," Maria said, "Swear," Jack said, looking at the paper. "Swear to kiss my hand and swear you won't go back on your word," he said, loving the humiliation of someone who had always seemed so haughty, thinking she was better than them. "I swear," Maria said, hating the fact that he felt the need to humiliate her. Where had all this hate come from? "I must ask, though, Jack, why?" Maria said tears running down her eyes.

"Because I cannot bear to see my father reject my mother anymore, while he cries and holds anger against the woman who hurt him, that's right. I am his son Alexandre's son," Jack said, his eyes glimmering with tears.

Maria sat there in shock, so this was all in the name of his father, and Alexandre had egged him on all in pursuit of hurting her. He was truly out of his mind. "Now, if that ever gets out of this room, know that I know where you live," Jack said as he made her walk in front of him at gunpoint as he gathered the papers and lifted the girls. "And as for them, I planted little explosives near the ropes around them should they wish to betray me....but if they agree to act normal and go along, I will untie them before we exit," Jack said.

How well planned this, all had been, Maria said, disappointed at herself for not keeping tabs on her possessive ex. Now all those lives had been lost, and she had signed off her own life to this man and his crazed son.....though Jack called in the rescue, her heart felt as if it wanted to stay here locked in darkness forever. She was not good for anyone, not even Ville, her love.

An eternity seemed a second as hours continued to pass by...


"We just got a call from Jack; it seems he has with him three women Samantha, Rosalyn, and Maria. The Dr. is alive, and well; he is almost near the entrance. We finally have some space to let them out," the team rescue leader said to his coworkers, who relayed the news to a now ecstatic Angel, Alexi, and Ville. Jesse was glad to see the girl his brother cared for so much was alive. However, they were sad to hear that only three of her team had made it out alive, "Such a tragedy," Angel said weeping. "It's horrible," Ville said. However, he was happy Maria was alive he could not begin to imagine her trauma, he would need to be with her now more than ever.

It seemed an eon before Maria and her three team members, torn and bruised, came out shivering. All she knew is that four strong arms had wrapped around her and that a pair of womanly arms had also wrapped around her, giving her a bear hug that at this moment she needed so much, it was Ville, Alexi, and Angel here waiting for her and they were crying in joy.

She wished she could be here with them, but she had to give the report a report she dreaded, but one she knew she had to keep....she felt lost even in freedom, and Ville could not help but notice the emptiness in her eyes.

Thanks, Angel, or should I say WildChildMary

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