Music and Yearning

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The next chapter is up!

It was inevitable after that day at the concert Maria had purchased the CD collection of the band HIM. His voice, his lyrics, his songs, his music was intoxicating. Ville was pulling her into the ocean of his passion, and she was falling into its fathomless depths. 

"I know you want to spend all of your free time listening to and interpreting his lyrics, but you do remember our promise, right?" Angel said. "Of course I do, when is the concert friend?" Maria said. "Soon, I will pick you up this time, and we can head over to the venue. They are not in the same genre as HIM, well they are metal, but they are a little more on the heavy side," Angel explained. "I am lending you some CD's so you can prepare," Angel added, tossing some CDs.

Alexi and his band, Children of Bodom, were to play at the infamous On The Rocks club in Helsinki. The place was packed with fans, and being crushed could be anyone's unfortunate fate if the band took any longer to come on stage. Maria had allowed Angel to punk her look and fit in with the crowd. "I have not been to one of their gigs in-person," Angel said excitedly. "I can tell they are loved, like HIM," Maria said, "Oh yes, they are, legend," Angel said as the lights went off, and Alexi and his band took the stage.

The atmosphere under COB was different from HIM. The sense of euphoria came from a deep-seated pain and the spirit of wild freedom. There was a decaying beauty to their songs and a fit of repressed anger to their feeling. Alexi had an astounding stage presence, and Maria understood why so many fans came to see them. Angel got a few secret winks from the guitarist of the band she loved, and she reciprocated them with seductive winks of her own that made the Viking onstage almost miss a few strings.

"There is so much electricity between you two," Maria said, "I think you will not be leaving home early tonight," Maria added, giggling. "Oh shut up," Angel said, pouting. After the lights went off and the music died out, Angel and Maria were ushered backstage. "I am honored to see you made it!" Alexi said as he greeted Angel, surprising her with a bear hug. "Woah, there cowboy, I am happy too, but hands off the goods," Angel said jokingly. "It's hard to with that corset you are wearing, sexy girl," Alexi said in a raspy voice that made Angel tremble with giddiness.

"I enjoyed your concert, it was spectacular," Maria said as Alexi greeted her. "Thanks for coming out here," he said. "My pleasure, however, I feel that I am a third wheel at the moment and so my dear Angel," Maria said wickedly recalling how Angel had left her with Ville, "I must be off the paper to finish," she said and ran off before Angel could stop her.

"Do you wanna go meet the others? Not to sound weird, but I have been talking about the fact I met my,"  Alexi said, giggling. "Muse," he added, blushing, "I would go, but I am upset you are yet to keep your promise Mr. Lahio," Angel said, tapping her foot impatiently, which he found cute before he recalled what it was. "Oh! Drinks sure on me, babe," he said quite cheekily as he ushered her towards the tour bus.

Angel surpassed the competition as she outdrank all of the band members, and of course, this made Alexi crazier about finding a girl that complimented him in so many ways. "This is baby stuff. Come on, where is the hard stuff," Angel said, pouting. Alexi giggled. "If you come over to my place, we can get on the hard stuff," he salaciously suggested making the others laugh. He always had to make those sneaky comments when he was drunk off his rocker.

"Yeah, right and then what, Alexi," Angel said, "I am not that easy, you know," she added. "Well then it will be more of a thrill for me to seek you, I thought you had gone and disappeared, and now I find you again, you have no idea, I am such a fan," Alexi added, stumbling towards her. "And you are also drunk and woozy, I can go home with you, but only to take care of you don't get any ideas, little fanboy," Angel said, making Alexi smile. She was charming and beautiful, she was talented and his muse,  he was not going to let go of her...

 She was charming and beautiful, she was talented and his muse,  he was not going to let go of her

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Maria sat on her bed after taking a long bath, the concert had ended late, and she still had things to do in the morning. She was happy for Angel. She looked as if she was off to a great night with her idol. 

It made her think about whom was turning into her idol Ville. She wondered if she would see him soon, they had yet to exchange numbers, was she safe in doing this? should she take a chance to be loved by him.

All of these thoughts crossed her mind as she laid in bed, a pair of mystical forest green eyes on her mind, and Ville's words "we are not ancient or eternal" clouded her thoughts as if daring her to run, yet, wanting her to stay.

"Ville," she whispered into her pillow. If she did not decide soon, she would go crazy, but she was afraid the waves would pulverize her to pieces if she jumped off the cliff too fast. "I am falling," she said as she recalled their first kiss, so passionate and sweet, it had been years since her lips had felt the touch of cupid's arrows. Would she survive their killing blow???

At the same time...

Ville lay awake, thinking of her tracing her shape in the shadows of his mind. Did he want to open her heart to love, but was he wrong in doing it? What was the reason behind her pain, the cloud of sorrow in her eyes, she was a puzzle to him, shy but passionate, a combination of the moon and the sun in the cosmos of his dreams.

"Maria," Ville said, recalling their kiss, her tears, should he give up? He shook his head. No, he would not let go lest she asked him, he knew he should be careful with his heart, but he's hopeless romantic soul yearned for her, and for that connection, he knew that they had. "Come closer, my love. Will you let me tear your heart apart until you drown in my love" Ville murmured as he also faded thinking of her dark chocolate brown eyes, windows to her frail soul. 

Thank you for lending me Angel WildChildMary

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