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YOU EITHER LET ME IN, OR I WILL FORCE MYSELF IN THERE!" Ville yelled at the site supervisor. The emergency team was there, and Alexi did all he could to calm Ville down, seeing as Angel was also demanding to be allowed in. "We cannot and will not allow unauthorized personnel to get close. The cave-in was bad enough we cannot cause it to become worse, please bear with us, we are doing all we can to get in there, find them, and get out," the man said.

Ville was livid as he went back to the waiting area. He did not even care how hot it was or how long it had taken him to get in contact with someone who had pointed the location to him. He wanted to go there, find her and get her out, and the others? Were they alive? He shook his head of such gloomful thoughts.

"We have to wait. That's all there is to it," Alexi said. "It's easier said than done, I know," Angel added, "but we cannot do anything but wait," she said, patting Ville on the shoulder.

"And while we wait, she dies slowly, I am trying to remain calm here, but they have been in there for two months, and we are barely finding out, what if there is nothing to find!" Ville said, frustrated.

"They had enough food and water for 8 months; if they rationed it right, they should still have some left or enough strength," Alexi pointed out, trying to calm his friend out. He was worried that this would end horribly and hoped they would find the survivors soon.

But he knew that if Maria were not alive, this world would be even smaller for Ville and Angel...

Maria faced Marcus, who was holding a knife to Rosaylne's neck. She had run into him trying to find another way once again out, "Let her go, Marcus, we are still a team; this is not why we are here!" Maria said, trying to calm him down.

"Then why the hell are we here? I am not dying here with the rest of you....this was supposed to be the begging of my career, and now I'll die here like a dog!" he growled, pressing the knife, drawing some blood from a crying Rosalyne.

"You will die like a dog if you do not let her go," Maria answered, pulling out an extra switchblade she had. "You threaten me?" Marcus claimed, shivering, "I am warning you to stop this, now, let her go, and we can all go find the others and talk," Maria replied, knowing he was one with a quick temper. Hence, she had to be careful around him.

"And what then wait to die!" Marcus growled, "Wait for us to get some sleep and find a way out together," Maria said, approaching him slowly.

His eyes seemed to falter as he lowered the knife pushing Rosalyne, which prompted Maria to grab her and pull her away...

The stillness of the tomb around them and the echo of faraway drops echoed as they stood there, in a somber and agitated gloom.

"I am sorry, Dr," Marcus said, and before Maria could stop him, he pulled out a flare gun. He shot his mouth, sending the flare shooting through his skull to Rosalyn and Maria's horror and agony. They had to cover her mouth, not to attract others.

Maria shivered, holding back her screams as she felt sick. His body began to bleed out, yet another one lost. She felt like such a failure. How had everything gone so wrong?

"How? What are we going to do, Dr.?" the woman said she was a sweet and brave girl. "For now, we find some shade, rest a bit, and keep away from the others; we do not know their hearts. Still, we have going to be here soon, I know it," Maria said, and Rosalynn nodded following her suite, though she was still shaken from almost dying.

All of these lives lost because of her. Maybe Alexandre was right, and maybe she was not meant to follow her foolish dreams, now she would carry the weight of these dreams and deaths in her heart forever. She felt so selfish, selfish for wanting to have seen Ville's face one more time...

It was an eerie spot with small pools of water and dimly lit torches where Maria and Rosalyn decided to rest. She knew they could not head too far in for they would be lost, yet she did not know what the other survivors' mental state was, and she could not risk it.

"Do you think society is sending help?" Rosalyn whispered. "I am sure they have, but what frightens me is if we will be the only ones to come out of this if only our walkie talkies were working. I could garner the mental state of our comrades," Maria growled if only she knew if they were of stable mental state, she would not worry. Still, as of now, everything was shrouded in uncertainty.

It was then that Maria jumped when she heard footsteps far off to their left. It was from Jack. She immediately signaled for Rosalyn to be quiet. Jack was not all there last time they saw him. Yet, he seemed calm as he sat down against a wall weeping, perhaps he would be calmer now, but she would have to approach him carefully. "Stay here, and please don't come out," Maria whispered to her companion, who nodded wide with fear.

"Jack?" Maria said, approaching the young man who looked at her with tears in his eyes, "Maria, Dr.? Oh my god! I am so sorry please I just want to get out of here...." he said, groveling at her feet. "We will, but we have to stick together. However, you can only come with me if you hand over your knife, Jack. I cannot trust you after that incident," Maria replied. "I...," Jack said hesitating. "I guess I deserve," he said, throwing the knife at her feet, "Just please get us out even if it's just two," he said, his blue eyes wide with fear.

"I will, but it is Rosalyn and us that I have found so far," Maria said, not wanting to mention what had happened to Marcus. "Not true, Dr., I know where Samantha is. She told me she would be waiting, and I was hoping to find you and another survivor at least, please follow me," he said.

Maria was weary and tired, but she had to be careful to trust anyone at the moment. However, if he had found Samantha, it would make sense as with Marcus being deceased by his own hand, only four were alive. "Very well, I will follow, but no funny business or I will have to knock you out for the time being," Maria replied. She carefully approached Rosalyn and stepping backward, and signaled her to follow her and Jack. If only he were telling the truth, then at least four of them would make it out alive, even if her heart was still breaking for the other six other lives lost....lives she was responsible for.

Hours Later

"I cannot do this anymore; how much longer do we have to wait!" Ville said impatiently at Jesse, and his brother had flown in a few hours ago after hearing the news. He knew Ville needed someone beside him, "As long as we have hope if there was none, the society would have given up. However, they just got a call from a guy called Jack. He said he was alive and that he had found others and that he would be on his way to the front. The excavation crew is making some progress in removing the debris, as long as they have some space for them to get out," Jesse replied.

Angel, who was faring no better even with Alexi beside her, jumped up at the news while Ville and Alexi followed behind. "Oh my god, that's great now we can get her out!" she said, her voice exalted in hope as Ville cried in relief at least these were some comforting news.

"Thankfully, he had a bit of power left in his walkie talkie, and he asked us to give him some time lead the others. Although he sounded so dazed and as such, he cannot recognize who is with him," the rescue team member stated, making them growl, hoping one of them was Maria.

They couldn't help but feel terrible though it seemed not all of the team was alive or together, this was indeed a tragedy.

They did not know that Jack was plotting to kill off the others and emerge the only survivor he had planned this all along had made it so the cave in happened, had staged his lunacy.

Now he wanted to make sure that he was given the job as he had rescued some artifacts which he planned to give as proof that this excavation had not been all in vain. He was tired of following orders from this woman.

Alexandre, his boss, had been planning all of this for months as a way to get back at Maria. He was bitter that she had moved on and more bitter at hearing rumors that she had found someone. So he had found a young man with an insatiable thirst for fame and knowledge, and he had infiltrated him into Maria's team. He knew that the perfect opportunity would arise, and she would pay.

However, Jack knew Maria was not stupid, and fooling her into lowering her guard was going to be hard. He needed to find the right moment.

Thanks to WildChildMary

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