Not really Goodbye *

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A sullen mood was upon us as we gathered to see Loki and Thor off. Loki's eyes kept flittering to me, yet I focused on fare welling the other Avengers. We'd defeated Loki, and his army. I'd woken a day and a bit after, the tranquilliser effects taking their time to flush out of my system. Bruce had told me that holding of the effects of the tranquilliser should be scientifically impossible, but so far he hadn't come up with a conclusion to justify how.

Thor and Loki would return to Asgard, where Loki would face Asgardian justice. I had avoided Thor at all costs so far and he was fine with the idea as well.

Steve was going to continue working with SHIELD, running missions and the such.

Clint and Natasha were also back to SHIELD, however Clint was slowly easing back into his job, flinching every-time someone mentioned something during his time under control.

Tony had fallen through the portal just before it had closed. Of course, when I woke, I slapped him in hospital bed, for making me freak out, then my doctor threatened another twenty-four medically-induced coma. I calmed down after that. After some gentle coaxing to Bruce I convinced him to accept Tony's proposition. Now Tony and Steve were off to advance new technology into the new golden age, or as Tony put it, 'the Stark Era'.

And me, after I had collapsed the portal, a surcharge of the Tesseract's energy had come into me. Bruce had said that I had released the Tesseract's energy, killing all the remaining Chitauri soldiers. But with that I had also killed hundreds of innocents. It was just another example of why I was a dangerous being that didn't deserve to live. I'd committed mass murder and one day my crimes were going to catch up to me, but for now, since I had violated Fury's deal, I was now supposed to be placed under SHIELD's containment. I was to be held in a cell like Loki's until I could prove myself worthy.

It wasn't going to be so bad, Bruce said, I would be able to work as I pleased, I was going to be employed by SHIELD for their tech services, apparently that counted as 'worthy'.

His words faltered as he spoke them.

They're going to test her like a lab rat. Use her.

His mind thought differently to his words.

Yet I pretended to play along with their plan. Agreeing with it. They were still looking for a cure after all and that was the only thing that stopped me from fleeing to the other side of the galaxy.

Thor gave a nod of his head at the each of us. I barely had time to settle the tension and I didn't plan too any time soon. I looked down to my cuffs, small bands that contained a minimal amount of Iridium based on one of Bruce's Castor theories. It slowed Castor's abilities, not stopped them completely and I'd only worn them so I could see the duo off.

Loki and I locked sight.

I will be back for you. He voice echoed throughout my head, then disappeared, back to Asgard.


The Disgraced Avenger (An Avengers Fanfic) [Completed] #1Where stories live. Discover now