Aurora Pt.2

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The couple had made their way back to their world, and were skipping from tree to tree to find the town the Hokage had informed them through a letter to travel to. Sasuke could almost still feel Sakura's revitalising chakra as it energised him, bringing the powers in his rinnengan back to life, whilst the black patterns of her byakugou laced around her toned arms, like tattoos coming to life. Her presence shifted the heavy air of the desert making it lighter, and even back beneath the blue sky they knew so well, her presence calmed him and he felt at ease.

Once back beneath the familiar rays of the sun, the first thing they did was write a letter to Kakashi informing him of their plans of marriage, but also the continuation of their travels. Sasuke didn't expect a response for the next few days, considering that a marriage plan would be at the bottom of a list of priorities for the Hokage who was inundated with multiple requests a day. However, the ever eager former Sensei of theirs had responded within the hour, and had pinpointed marriage registration offices throughout the five different major countries, circling in red the closest ones to them, and had also signed his authorisation as Hokage, as well as his blessings as their former Sensei. Sasuke received a second letter from the former copy-cat ninja, a letter meant for his eyes only. It read of marital tips from the Icha-Icha series. Sasuke incinerated it under his amaterasu before sparing it a second glance, and before Sakura could ask what the letter contained.

The high walls of the next town appeared before them, and Sasuke and Sakura jumped down to meet the paved floor. The town gates loomed over them, a light grey, almost white under the twinkling sun. They entered the town, past the gates of purity, and into a new chapter of their lives. The marriage registration building was also white, the colour of innocence and purification. Neither of which Sasuke was, but everything that Sakura represented. Inside the building, the floor and walls alike were tiled with marble, their reflections winking back at them where ever they looked. Pillars spouting out pink and white flowers stood in every corner of the room, welcoming them in. Sasuke felt the brush of her gentle fingertips alongside his, and he peered over his right shoulder to look down at her. She looked up at him adoringly and whispered, "Are you ready, Sasuke-kun?" He confirmed by taking hold of her hand, and they walked together to the marble desk.

Sasuke watched admiringly as Sakura explained their situation to the woman behind the desk. His lover brought forth the letter with the signed Hokage's seal. He watched as Sakura waited patiently, and as she looked back at him with a smile that melted his heart. He was still watching her small frame when she tugged at his sleeve. "Sasuke-kun?" This might have been the third time she called his name, but he was unaware; the thought of forever sealing his fate with hers was overwhelming, and drowned everything else out.

"Sasuke," Sakura repeated. "We'll have to wait until nightfall, until they prepare everything."

Sasuke zoned back in. "Don't we just sign a document? That's what Kakashi said."

Sakura blushed. "Erm, yes... but I requested that a room be set up so we can officiate our marriage properly... like a small wedding." Her eyes flickered side ways, and briefly met his, before casting it aside again. "And... I thought, that maybe, we could do some shopping whilst we're here? Like, buy wedding outfits... I hope that's ok, Sasuke-kun?" She met his gaze again.

"Ah," Sasuke replied, with a slight smirk playing at his lips, the corner of his lips twitching upwards.

Sakura took that as approval. She beamed back at him. "We're to meet here at 9:30, after dusk!" She giggled. And with that, she took off. Leaving him to stand staring at her back as she disappeared outside.


Sasuke journeyed around the town, sparing glances at the busy stalls and entering shops where female customers and staff alike fawned over him. The lone Uchiha suddenly regretted not reading the tips Kakashi had sent him - maybe it would have contained tips on how grooms should dress, or what to gift your new bride? He knew that Naruto had gifted his wife a house as a wedding gift, but Sasuke, although a man of action, was not a man of extravagant gestures. And they did not have a permanent home as of yet anyway, Sasuke reflected. Sasuke resigned defeat and accepted that he would not be able to find a suitable gift.

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